Index of Proceedings

37th Parliament, 1st Session (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002) Latest Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W

Index complete to Meeting No. 69


Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)(Chair)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1110-25
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 42:1105-15, 1135-1305; 63:1105, 1115, 1135-55, 1205-40; 64:1110
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 38:1115-30
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1140-45
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1113-40; 65:1115, 1125-45
⇒⇒House of Commons, 2000-2001
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1110, 1120-30, 1140-55, 1205-10
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1107-1220
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1150-1245
⇒⇒Legislative Services and Committee Directorate, 38:1112-15
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 28:1533-45
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1109-1230; 32:1107-1230; 37:1235; 39:1125-55; 41:1104-30, 1140-1205; 59:1110-20; 62:1110-1330; 66:1105-15
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1111-30; 37:1142-1220
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1130-1255; 34:1104-15,1125-40, 1150-1200, 1210-30; 36:1109-1225; 37:1220-30
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 43:1530, 1540-45; 44:1120-30, 1155, 1205-1340; 45:1935, 1945-2035, 2045-2145; 46:1530, 1550-1620, 1630-1755; 47:1105, 1139-45, 1155-1200, 1210-15, 1225, 1235-1300; 48:1530, 1540-55, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1635-1730; 49:1935-40, 1950-2050, 2100-40; 50:1530-1620, 1630-1705; 51:1930, 1940, 1955-2000, 2010-15, 2025, 2035, 2045-2130; 52:1110, 1120-1300; 53:1540-1600, 1610-25, 1635-45, 1655-1730; 54:1145-1245, 125; 55:1105-1220
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1104-05, 1115-20, 1130, 1140-1235
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1110
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1105-35, 1145-55, 1205-25; 58:1110, 1120-30; 60:1105-35, 1145, 1155-1200, 1210-20
Advertising see Elections
Ali, Illias (Parliament of Bangladesh)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
Alim, Al-haj Abdul (Parliament of Bangladesh)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
⇒⇒References see Privilege, Parliamentary--Reynolds
Arts and culture see Parliamentary Poet Laureate
Asselin, Gérard (BQ--Charlevoix)
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1605-10; 27:1115, 1130-35


Bard, Louis (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 05:1115-20, 1145, 1215
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1130-35
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1210-15
Baxter, Jim see Elections--Secret ballot
Bélanger, Mauril (Lib.--Ottawa--Vanier)
⇒⇒Future business, 65:1120-30, 1140-45
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1120-25, 1140, 1240-50, 1315, 1330; 66:1115
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 46:1730, 1750-55; 48:1705; 49:2115-20; 50:1630-35; 51:2045-50, 2130
Benoit, Leon (CA--Lakeland)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 47:1255; 48:1700-05; 49:2125-30, 2140; 50:1700-05; 51:2115-20; 52:1220, 1245; 53:1655-1700, 1720-25; 54:1145, 1200, 1210-40; 55:1105-10, 1135-40, 1205-10, 1220
Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ--Verchères--Les-Patriotes)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1120-30, 1240-50; 09:1225-30; 10:1130-35, 1205-35, 1255-1300
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1130, 1200, 1215-20, 1235-50, 1305; 11:1103-05, 1125-35, 1215, 1245-55; 21:1120, 1135-50, 1220-25; 63:1150-55, 1230-35
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1145, 1220; 13:1135, 1145, 1155-1210; 14:1115-35
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1605, 1615; 02:1540, 1555, 1615-20, 1640
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1115, 1125, 1135-1210, 1225-30
⇒⇒Grand-Mère Golf Club, 12:1215-20
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 05:1130-35, 1205, 1215
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1110-15, 1155, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1135-40, 1220-30
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1205, 1235
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-50
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1145-55, 1225
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1110-15, 1125-35
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1150-55
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1240, 1305
⇒⇒Procedure, Chair, M. (Guimond), 13:1106, 1115
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1155-1205, 1215-25
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1533-35
Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism
Bills, Private Members' Public
⇒⇒Votable item selection by Private Members' Business Sub-Committee (Bill S-22), M. (Parrish), 37:1155-1220, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Rescinding, M. (Regan), 39:1110-25, withdrawn
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-9.\Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)
⇒⇒S-10.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)--Jennings
⇒⇒S-14.\Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14)--Godfrey
⇒⇒S-34.\Royal Assent Act--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Goodale)
Blaikie, Bill (NDP--Winnipeg--Transcona)
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1110-20, 1130-45, 1200
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 04:1135-40; 05:1125, 1135-40, 1155-1205
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 41:1130-50, 1200-05
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1135-40
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1200
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 50:1610-15; 51:2015-25
Board of Internal Economy see Legislative Services and Committee Directorate
Borotsik, Rick (PC--Brandon--Souris; PC/DR Coalition--Brandon--Souris as of September 13, 2001; PC--Brandon--Souris as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 21:1145-55, 1220-25; 63:1115, 1140-45
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1140-55; 14:1115, 1125
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1600, 1610-15; 02:1540-50, 1605-15
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1125, 1140, 1200
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1130-35; 05:1200
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1110, 1155-1200
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-50
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1155-1200, 1220-25
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 59:1120; 62:1135; 66:1115
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1110, 1125, 1140, 1155, 1205-10, 1225-30
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1535
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1110, 1125-35
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 58:1110, 1125-30; 60:1105, 1150-55; 69:1210-15
Boudria, Hon. Don (Lib.--Glengarry--Prescott--Russell; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons; Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons as of September 27, 2001; Minister of Public Works and Government Services as of January 15, 2002; Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons as of May 26, 2002)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1105-1200; 10:1103-10, 1120-1215
Bradshaw, Chris (Green Party of Canada)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1135-40, 1155-1220
Breitkreuz, Garry (CA--Yorkton--Melville)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1115-25
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 02:1555-1605, 1630
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1110-15, 1125, 1140-45, 1210-15, 1230; 32:1110-15, 1125-30, 1145-1205, 1215-30; 37:1235; 39:1130-55; 41:1110, 1140-1205; 62:1120, 1155, 1215, 1305-10
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1115, 1130; 37:1145, 1155-1210
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1150-55, 1250; 37:1230
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1125, 1155; 45:1945-2000, 2050-55; 46:1750
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 69:1210
Brien, Pierre (BQ--Témiscamingue)
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1135-40
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1120-25, 1140
⇒⇒House of Commons, Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1155-1200
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1150-55, 1230-45
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 32:1210
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1150-55; 36:1130-35, 1150, 1205-10
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1215-20, 1325-30; 45:2005-10, 2100-05, 2140; 46:1610-15, 1720-25; 48:1550-55, 1715-20; 49:2000-05, 2130-35; 50:1555-1600; 51:2000-10, 2120-30; 52:1140-50, 1220, 1245-50; 53:1600-10, 1710-15; 55:1140, 1155
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1120-30
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 58:1125
Broadcasting see Committees of the House of Commons
Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7)--Harvard
⇒⇒Selection as votable item, 30:1130, agreed to
Bryden, John (Lib.--Ancaster--Dundas--Flamborough--Aldershot)
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1125, 1135-40, 1150, 1200; 65:1135
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 05:1150-55, 1225
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1125, 1150, 1250, 1325-30


Cabinet Ministers
⇒⇒Briefings see Privilege, Parliamentary
Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)
⇒⇒Clause 2, amdt. (Bergeron), 10:1220-25, negatived on recorded division
⇒⇒Study, 08:1104; 09:1109; 10:1103
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
⇒⇒Awarding of costs see Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7)
Cappe, Mel (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 51:1930-2050, 2100-30
Catterall, Marlene (Lib.--Ottawa West--Nepean)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 21:1155; 42:1105; 63:1205-15
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1155, 1205-10
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 02:1540, 1550, 1600, 1625-30, 1640
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1140-45
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1107-15, 1125-40, 1150-1200, 1210-29; 22:1115, 1150-55, 1205; 65:1130
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1210-15; 05:1210-15
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1135, 1145-55, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1115, 1200-05
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 28:1533, 1540
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1145-50; 14:1140
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 32:1135, 1200-05; 39:1130
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 37:1200, 1210
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 59:1115-20
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1255; 36:1120-25, 1220; 37:1220-30
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1210-15, 1230-35
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 43:1545; 44:1320-25; 45:2020-25, 2115, 2130-35; 46:1700-10, 1750; 47:1225-30; 49:2015-20, 2100, 2130; 50:1605-10; 51:2025-35; 53:1725; 54:1225, 1235-40
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1135, 1220, 1230
⇒⇒Procedure, Chair, M. (Guimond), 13:1115
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1115, 1210-15, 1230
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1535
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1105-10, 1130-35, 1205, 1225; 60:1145, 1155, 1220; 69:1210-15
Chafe, Carol (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1150
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 01:1533; 28:1533
⇒⇒Statement, 65:1130
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada
⇒⇒Appearance as witness, inviting, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 03:1200-10
⇒⇒See also Electoral boundaries; Referendum regulations
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
⇒⇒Elections (37th general, November 27, 2000), report, study, 11:1103
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, Supplementary (A), study, 06:1109
⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, study, 21:1113
⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, study, 63:1105; 64:1110
⇒⇒Report Modernizing the Electoral Process, study, 42:1105
Chowdhury, Al-Hajj Md. Jahed Ali (Parliament of Bangladesh)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (Lib.--Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)
⇒⇒References see Grand Mère Golf Club
Cloutier, G. (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1110, 1125, 1135-45, 1155-1210
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1200-10
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1150-55, 1210
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1110-45, 1155-1225; 60:1120, 1130, 1140-45, 1155, 1210-15
Cole, Wayne (researcher, House of Commons)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1210
Committee business see Future business
Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒Broadcasting, radio and television, study, 07:1135-1225; 13:1120-1210; 14:1103-35; 19:1135-1220; 38:1115-30
⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, election by secret ballot/convening of meetings, amendment to S.O. 106, 02:1635-40
⇒⇒⇒M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1615; 02:1540-1635, as amended, negatived on recorded division, 02:1635
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 02:1605-10
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Borotsik), 02:1540, negatived on recorded division, 02:1605
⇒⇒Membership, 02:1530
⇒⇒Televising, 03:1225-30
Committees, Special see Non-medical Use of Drugs Special Committee
Conflict of interest see Grand-Mère Golf Club
Corbett, William (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 05:1105-10, 1120-35, 1145-55, 1210-15
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1115, 1135, 1155
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1140-50, 1200
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1135-40, 1155-1205
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1150, 1210-20
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1150-1205, 1225-30
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1104, 1110-35
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 45:1935-2130
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
⇒⇒References see Privilege, Parliamentary
CRTC see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission


Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine (BQ--Laval Centre)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1200
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1106, 1115-25, 1150
Davidson, Diane (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1235, 1250
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1135; 21:1205-10; 42:1245
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1205-10, 1230
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1120
Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1200-05, 1215; 10:1140-50, 1230-45, 1255
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1220, 1245-50
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 07:1210-15
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1115
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 32:1115, 1135, 1200-15
de Montigny, Valerie (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 36:1110
Desroches, Luc (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1125
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1130
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1200-05, 1220
Diguer, Elaine (House of Commons)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 13:1120-1200
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure subcommittee, report., M., amdt., agreed to, 65:1130
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), clause 2, amdt. (Bergeron), negatived, 10:1220-25
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, Chair and Vice-Chair, election by secret ballot/convening of meetings, amendment to S.O. 106
⇒⇒⇒M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1615; 02:1540-1635, as amended, negatived, 02:1635
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Borotsik), 02:1540, negatived, 02:1605
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, Report, M. (Borotsik), 22:1130-1205, agreed to
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)
⇒⇒⇒Clause 1, amdt. (Macklin), 27:1106-10, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Selection as votable item, study, agreed to, 07:1105-35
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, votable item selection, M. (Parrish), 41:1145-1200, agreed to, 41:1200
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being tabled in House
⇒⇒⇒Contempt not found, M. (Macklin), 36:1155-1220, agreed to, 36:1220
⇒⇒⇒Deloitte & Touche report, M. (Harris), negatived, 36:1220
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Jordan), 37:1220-30, agreed to, 37:1230
⇒⇒Procedure, Chair, decision, M. (Guimond), sustained, 13:1106-20
⇒⇒Witnesses, inviting, Ms., minutes of meetings no. 54; no. 55
Dubé, Antoine (BQ--Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 04:1225-30
Dumont, Luc (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1210; 11:1130, 1140-45; 42:1255-1300


Eggleton, Hon. Art (Lib.--York Centre; Minister of National Defence until May 26, 2002)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 46:1535-1750
⇒⇒Abuses/complaints, investigation, 40:1225-30
⇒⇒Candidate expenses
⇒⇒⇒Cash resources, availability, 40:1210
⇒⇒⇒Nomination campaigns, 40:1235
⇒⇒⇒Trust accounts, 40:1240-45
⇒⇒Secret ballot, security, Member of Parliament refusal to assist war veteran who had not voted for him, Tom Wappel/Jim Baxter case, 19:1220-30
⇒⇒See also Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9); Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office; Householder mailings
Electoral boundaries
⇒⇒Readjustment process
⇒⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, inviting to appear, 35:1120-30, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 40:1135-45, 1225
Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act
⇒⇒Legislation see Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9)
Electronic voting see Elections; House of Commons
Epp, Ken (CA--Elk Island)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1210-15
Estimates see Chief Electoral Officer ofCanada Office; House of Commons


Fadden, Richard (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1105-1205, 1215-30; 36:1115-55
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 50:1535-1705
Figueroa, Miguel (Communist Party of Canada)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1125-35, 1145-1200, 1215-20
Fitzgerald, Oonagh (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1105, 1125; 36:1150
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1141-1235
Fontana, Joe (Lib.--London North Centre)
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1120-30, 1145-1200
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1150-1200, 1215; 05:1135-55, 1205-15
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002,26:1132-40
Fraser, Hon. John (Parliamentary Buildings Advisory Council)
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1110-20, 1130-35, 1205-10, 1220
Future business
⇒⇒Deliberations, 03:1106; 19:1107; 22:1107; 28:1533; 35:1113
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 66


Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel; Minister of Public Works and Government Services; resignation as Member of Parliament effective January 14, 2002)
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1105-10, 1125-45, 1155-1220
Gallant, Cheryl (CA--Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 21:1125-30; 63:1215-20
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 38:1120-25
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1215-20, 1229; 22:1107, 1120, 1135, 1205
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1135-40, 1200
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1110-15, 1130-35, 1205
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1132, 1145-50, 1220-25
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1225-30
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1125-30, 1200-05
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1135, 1200; 41:1110, 1125
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1140, 1220-25; 34:1155-1200,1215, 1225; 36:1150-55, 1220; 37:1220-30
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1125, 1155, 1220
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1315-20; 46:1710-20, 1740-45; 47:1139, 1255; 48:1640-45, 1705-10; 49:2055; 50:1635-40; 51:2055-2100; 52:1225
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1115, 1225-30
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1110, 1125
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1145-55, 1215, 1240-45; 21:1145, 1220-25; 42:1115, 1155-1205, 1235
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 38:1125-30
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1600, 1615; 02:1555-1600, 1630-35
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1115-20
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1110, 1125-30, 1200-05
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1145-50
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1115, 1140-45, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1150-55, 1225-30
⇒⇒Legislative Services and Committee Directorate, 38:1115
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540, 1550-55
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1125-30; 59:1110; 62:1150, 1225, 1245, 1320; 66:1110-15
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1120; 37:1155, 1210
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary,
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1145-50, 1240-45; 37:1220
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 47:1220-25; 45:2025-30, 2110-15, 2140; 46:1630, 1640-45; 48:1605-15, 1650-55, 1705-15, 1725-30; 49:2020-25, 2110-15, 2135-40; 44:1125, 1235, 1245, 1330-40; 52:1155-1205, 1230-40, 1255-1300; 53:1620-25, 1715, 1725; 54:1145, 1155, 1205-10, 1255; 55:1105, 1120, 1145, 1205
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1135-45, 1205
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1140-45
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1535
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 60:1115-25
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1110, 1135, 1205-15, 1225; 58:1125
Grafstein, Hon. Senator Jerahmiel S. (Lib.--Metro Toronto)
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1541-1615; 27:1110-30
Grand Mère Golf Club
⇒⇒Prime Minister (Chrétien), ownership of shares, study, 12:1155-1230
⇒⇒⇒Chair decision, 13:1106-20
Gray, Ron (Christian Heritage Party of Canada)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1110-25, 1155, 1205-15, 1225
Grewal, Gurmant (CA--Surrey Central)
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1140
Guimond, Michel (BQ--Beauport--Montmorency--Côte-de-Beaupré--Île-d'Orléans)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1220-30; 09:1145; 10:1205-15, 1230
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1200-10, 1250; 11:1150-55, 1210-20, 1230-40; 42:1110, 1145-50, 1225
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 07:1225; 13:1205; 14:1103-15, 1135; 38:1125-30
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1135
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1200-05; 22:1107-25; 35:1115, 1125; 65:1125, 1135, 1150
⇒⇒Grand-Mère Golf Club, 12:1200-30
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1130
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1145-50
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1145-50
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1155-1220
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1235-40
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1130-35
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1125-30; 25:1550-55; 27:1110
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 22:1107-25; 31:1145-50, 1220-25; 41:1105-10; 62:1235-40, 1315-20
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 12:1141; 30:1120; 37:1155-1200, 1210-20
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1200, 1230-35
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1220; 45:2010-15; 46:1615-20, 1745; 48:1645-50; 49:2100-05; 50:1640-45; 51:2105-10; 52:1220-30; 53:1610, 1640, 1700-05; 54:1150, 1205, 1255; 55:1110-20, 1150, 1215-20
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1125, 1150, 1200
⇒⇒Procedure, Chair, M. (Guimond), 13:1106-15
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1155-1200
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1120-25, 1155, 1205-10; 60:1115, 1125, 1135-45


Harb, Mac (Lib.--Ottawa Centre)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 37:1150
Harris, Richard (CA--Prince George--Bulkley Valley)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1110, 1130, 1145, 1220, 1229-30
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1145
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 28:1535-40
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 32:1135-40, 1220-30
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 36:1110-15, 1140-45, 1155-1200, 1210, 1220; 37:1230
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law AmendmentAct, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1140, 1155-1200; 16:1130-35
Harvard, John (Lib.--Charleswood St. James--Assiniboia)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1155-1205
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 37:1230
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1230-35; 45:2015-20, 2055-2100, 2140; 46:1620-25
Hassard, Patricia J. (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1155
Henault, General Raymond (Department of National Defence)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 49:1935-2135
Hill, Jay (CA--Prince George--Peace River; PC/DR Coalition--Prince George--Peace River as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--Prince George--Peace River as of April 10, 2002; CA--Prince George--Peace River as of April 16, 2002)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1110-25
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 42:1245-50
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1120-40
⇒⇒House of Commons, Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1125-30, 1205-10
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1200-05, 1225
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1115-20, 1130, 1140-45, 1205-10; 39:1135; 41:1105, 1120-25, 1150, 1200-05
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 37:1145, 1205
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 36:1130-35, 1145-50, 1200, 1215
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 43:1540-45; 45:2035-45, 2120-25, 2135-40; 48:1625-35, 1655-1700, 1720-25; 49:2035-45, 2120-25, 2140; 50:1620-30, 1645-55; 44:1125-30, 1215, 1255-1305, 1340; 46:1650-1700, 1730-35, 1745-55; 47:1105, 1235-45; 51:2035-45, 2110-15, 2125-30; 52:1205-15, 1240-50; 53:1635-45, 1720-25; 54:1145, 1155-1200, 1225, 1245-50; 55:1130, 1140, 1200, 1210
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1130-40, 1205-10
House of Commons
⇒⇒Electronic voting, 03:1210-15
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Borotsik), 22:1130-1205, agreed to on recorded division
⇒⇒⇒⇒Rescinding, M. (Fontana), 26:1132-35, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 04:1104; 05:1104
⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, study, 20:1104
⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, study, 61:1110
⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, study, 29:1107
⇒⇒Recess periods see Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee
⇒⇒Plans and Priorities, Report, 2001-2002, study, 26:1132
⇒⇒See also Committees of the House of Commons
Householder mailings
⇒⇒Election expense, including, study, 40:1145-1245
Hovey, Dawson (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 58:1110-30; 60:1120-50, 1205, 1220


Industry Standing Committee
⇒⇒Name, change to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 03:1225
Information technology see Electronic voting


Jennings, Marlene (Lib.--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation as of September 13, 2001)
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1541, 1550
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 53:1645-55
Johnston, Dale (CA--Wetaskiwin)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1150
⇒⇒Future business, 65:1140
⇒⇒House of Commons, Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1120-25, 1205
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1135-45
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 59:1115; 62:1320-25; 66:1110
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1105, 1115-20, 1145-50, 1220-25; 58:1120; 60:1110-15, 1125-35, 1220
Jordan, Joe (Lib.--Leeds--Grenville; Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1125
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1210; 10:1150, 1250
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1210-20; 21:1220; 42:1150-55; 63:1145-50
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 02:1540, 1610; 14:1110, 1120
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1220; 22:1125-30, 1150; 35:1120, 1135
⇒⇒Grand-Mère Golf Club, 12:1230
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1130
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1115-20, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1150-55, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1135-40, 1215
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1545; 28:1535
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1135
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1105; 27:1125-30
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1145; 14:1140
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1135-40, 1200; 32:1120-1230; 37:1235; 39:1140-50; 59:1110; 62:1125-30, 1145, 1300-05
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1125-30; 37:1150, 1205
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1135, 1145, 1215-20; 34:1135, 1215; 36:1115, 1135, 1155, 1215-20; 37:1220-25
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1210; 16:1215
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1125, 1245, 1255, 1305-15, 1335-40; 45:2045-50, 2125, 2140; 46:1645, 1715; 47:1210-15, 1255-1300; 48:1615-25, 1725; 49:1935, 1955-2000, 2045-50; 50:1550-55, 1705; 51:2010-15, 2050-55; 52:1205, 1220, 1235; 53:1555-1600; 54:1150-1200, 1240-45; 55:1135, 1145, 1155, 1210
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1106-15, 1130-35, 1145-1200, 1215-20
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1150, 1200, 1230
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 58:1120-25; 60:1200; 69:1215
Judd, Jim (Department of National Defence)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 48:1530-1725
Justice Department see Privilege, Parliamentary
Justice Minister see Privilege, Parliamentary


Keddy, Gerald (PC--South Shore; PC/DR Coalition--South Shoreas of September 13, 2001; PC--South Shore as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1130
Kenney, Jason (CA--Calgary Southeast)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1220-25
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 55:1130, 1155
Kingsley, Jean-Pierre (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1206-50
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1110-15, 1140-1235, 1245-1305; 11:1105-1250; 21:1113-1230; 42:1110-1210, 1230-1300; 63:1115-1240
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1135-45
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1145-1245
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1105-1230


Lajoie, Marie-Andrée (House of Commons)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1155-1200; 32:1110-20, 1130-35, 1155-1200, 1215; 37:1235; 39:1150-55; 41:1110-30, 1140-45, 1155-1200
Leduc, M. Jean (House of Commons)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 13:1130-1200
Lee, Derek (Lib.--Scarborough--Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until September 12, 2001) (Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1104-20, 1130-40, 1150-1206, 1215-40, 1250; 09:1109-10, 1120-25, 1135-1200, 1210-30; 10:1103, 1110-20, 1130-40, 1150-1305
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1109-10, 1140-1200, 1210, 1220, 1230-35, 1245-1305; 11:1103-05, 1115, 1125, 1135, 1145, 1155, 1205-10, 1220-30, 1240-55; 21:1113, 1125-35, 1145-1200, 1215-30
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1135-1225; 13:1120-1210; 14:1103-25, 1135
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1615; 02:1540-1640
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1107-1230; 22:1107-1205
⇒⇒Grand-Mère Golf Club, 12:1155-1230
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1104-05, 1115-50, 1200-35; 05:1104-10, 1120-35, 1145-1225
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1104-1210
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1132-55, 1205-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1533-1555
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1104-05, 1120-35, 1145, 1155-1200, 1210-25
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1105-35; 25:1541-1615; 27:1106-40
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1145-55; 14:1135-40
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1120-25, 1210-15; 62:1135
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 12:1141-45
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1107-15, 1130-45, 1155-1200, 1210-30; 16:1104, 1110-15, 1125-45, 1155-1235
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 49:2105-10
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1106-1230
⇒⇒Procedure, Chair, M. (Guimond), 13:1106-20
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1533-35
Legislative Counsel see Legislative Services and Committee Directorate
Legislative Services and Committee Directorate
⇒⇒Board of Internal Economy, letter, consultations, 35:1130, agreed to
⇒⇒Legislative Counsel, guidelines, 19:1120-35
⇒⇒⇒Study, 38:1112-15
Lill, Wendy (NDP--Dartmouth)
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1600-05; 27:1115-20, 1130
Literature see Parliamentary Poet Laureate
Lowe, G.M. (National Assembly, Republic of Malawi)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145


MacKay, Peter (PC--Pictou--Antigonish--Guysborough; PC/DRCoalition--Pictou--Antigonish--Guysborough as of September 13, 2001; PC--Pictou--Antigonish--Guysborough as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1150-1200, 1230-35
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 21:1200-10
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1125, 1140-45, 1210-15
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 28:1533-40
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1210-15
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1115, 1200; 32:1120, 1150-55, 1205; 39:1145; 41:1155
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1235-40; 36:1115, 1155; 37:1225
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1135-40, 1200-10, 1225-30; 16:1115-25, 1200-10, 1220-25
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1215
Macklin, Paul (Lib.--Northumberland; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as of February 21, 2002)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1250-55; 11:1225; 42:1230-35
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 13:1125, 1150-55
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1135
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1105; 05:1220-25
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1115
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1210-15
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1105; 27:1106-10
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1125
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1150, 1225
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1210-15, 1235; 45:2005
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1110-15
Maddison, Vice-Admiral G.R. (Department of National Defence)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 47:1140-1300
Mahoney, Steve (Lib.--Mississauga West; Parliamentary Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations as of April 8, 2002; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport (Crown Corporations) as of August 7, 2002)
⇒⇒Grand-Mère Golf Club, 12:1205-15, 1225-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1533-35; 28:1533
Maingot, J.P. Joseph (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 53:1540-1710
Martin, Keith (CA--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1140, 1145, 1235
Martin, Patrice (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 14:1135
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1610-15; 02:1540
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1115, 1200, 1210
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1533-35, 1545; 28:1533-40
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1615
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 41:1205; 59:1120
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 54:1210
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1110, 1145-50, 1220
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1535
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1135
McGuire, Joe (Lib.--Egmont)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 21:1215-20
McLellan, Hon. Anne (Lib.--Edmonton West; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada until January 15, 2002; Minister of Health as of January 15, 2002)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1205-55
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1145-1230
⇒⇒References see Privilege, Parliamentary
McNally, Grant (CA--Dewdney--Alouette; PC/DR Coalition--Dewdney--Alouette as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--Dewdney--Alouette as of April 10, 2002; CA--Dewdney--Alouette as of April 24, 2002)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1120-25, 1255; 21:1155-1200
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 07:1145
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 04:1220; 05:1220
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1105-10, 1130
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 12:1155
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1120, 1155
Media see Privilege, Parliamentary
Members of Parliament see Elections--Secret ballot; Householder mailings; Privilege, Parliamentary
Ménard, Réal (BQ--Hochelaga--Maisonneuve)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1120, 1205
Meredith, Val (CA--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley; PC/DRCoalition--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of April 10, 2002; CA--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley as of April 16, 2002)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1205
Mergers see Political parties
Milliken, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Kingston and the Islands; Speaker)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1105-40, 1150-1210
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1110-40, 1150-1205
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1120-1200, 1210-15
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1140-1210, 1220-25
Mills, Bob (CA--Red Deer)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1230
Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.--Beaches--East York; Minister for International Cooperation until January 15, 2002)
⇒⇒House of Commons, Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1205
Molnar, Rennie (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1115-50, 1210-15, 1255; 11:1130, 1145, 1205; 21:1150; 42:1245, 1300
Mosley, Richard (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1205, 1230, 1240-45, 1255
Mpasu, Sam (National Assembly, Republic of Malawi)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
Mtafu, E.M.K. (National Assembly, Republic of Malawi)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145


National Horse of Canada Act (Bill S-22)--Calder
⇒⇒References see Bills, Private Members' Public
Non-medical Use of Drugs Special Committee
⇒⇒⇒Consideration, deferral, 22:1110-15
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Borotsik), 23:1220-25, agreed to
Nurse, Michael G. (Public Works and Government Services Department)
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1125-35, 1155-1205, 1215
Nystrom, Hon. Lorne (NDP--Regina--Qu'Appelle)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1140-50, 1230
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1145
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1235


O'Brien, Audrey (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1105-35, 1145-50, 1200-20, 1235; 05:1110-15, 1125-35, 1150
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1135-40
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, 61:1125
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1110-20
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1125, 1135
Official languages policy/bilingualism see Private Members' Business Sub-Committee--Documents
Organization meeting
⇒⇒Deliberations, 01:1533; 28:1533
Ouellette, Bibiane (Clerk of the Subcommittee on Private Members' Business)
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1120


Pallister, Brian (CA--Portage--Lisgar)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1130-1340
⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, Vote 5 see House of Commons
⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, Vote 5 see House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
⇒⇒Renovations, status, study, 23:1104
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)--Jennings
⇒⇒Clause 1, amdt. (Macklin), 27:1106-10, agreed to on recorded division
⇒⇒Selection as votable item
⇒⇒⇒No recording, No. 24
⇒⇒⇒Study, 07:1105-35, agreed to on recorded division
⇒⇒Study, 25:1541; 27:1106
Parliamentary Calendar Sub-committee
⇒⇒Establishing, 03:1225-30
⇒⇒⇒M. (Bergeron), 03:1215-25, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Catterall), 12:1145-55, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 14:1135-40; 19:1107-20
Parliamentary Poet Laureate see Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)
Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.--Mississauga Centre)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1110-20
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1135-40, 1225, 1250; 09:1145, 1220; 10:1120, 1135-40, 1215
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1140, 1150-1200; 42:1115, 1140-45
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1205-10, 1225
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1150; 14:1110, 1125
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1600; 02:1535, 1550, 1610
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1140
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1110, 1120, 1155, 1220-25
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 05:1210-20
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1125
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1115, 1150-55, 1215
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities for 2001-2002, 26:1135, 1230
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1220-25
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540-45; 28:1535-40
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1105, 1135; 25:1610-15
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-Committee, 14:1140
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1130-35, 1210-20; 32:1125, 1200-10, 1225-30; 39:1140-45; 41:1130, 1145-55, 1205; 62:1220, 1250
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1111-15, 1130; 37:1142-1200
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1200, 1210-15, 1225-30; 36:1110-15, 1130-40, 1155
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1115
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 54:1225; 55:1110-15, 1125-30, 1150
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1106-30, 1140-45, 1205, 1215
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1200-05, 1230
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1145
Peirce, Michael (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 10:1240, 1250, 1300
Phinney, Beth (Lib.--Hamilton Mountain)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 48:1730
Poetry see Parliamentary Poet Laureate
Pratt, David (Lib.--Nepean--Carleton)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1125, 1215, 1245-55; 46:1630, 1710, 1735, 1755; 50:1615-20; 51:2100, 2120
Price, David (Lib.--Compton--Stanstead)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 48:1555-1605
Privacy see Elections--Secret ballot
Private Members' Business
⇒⇒Order of Precedence, S.O. 87(6), list of 100 Members supporting an item
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Parrish), 19:1120, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Suspension, M. (Catterall), 03:1130-55, agreed to
⇒⇒Procedures, improvement, changes to Standing Orders, drafting, study, 31:1109; 32:1107; 37:1235; 39:1125-55; 41:1104
⇒⇒⇒No recording, Minutes of Meeting no. 24
⇒⇒Study, 59:1110; 62:1110; 66:1110
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, 59:1110
⇒⇒Votable item selection
⇒⇒⇒M. (Parrish), 41:1145-1200, agreed to on recorded division, 41:1200
⇒⇒⇒See also Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7); Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)
Private Members' Business Sub-Committee
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 67
⇒⇒⇒M., 37:1142-1220, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Guimond), 22:1107-10, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Guimond), 22:1115-30, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Parrish), 03:1106-15, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Proulx), 12:1141-45, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 12:1141; 30:1111-30
⇒⇒⇒⇒M. (Jordan), 03:1200, agreed to
⇒⇒See also Private Members' Business--Order of Precedence
Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House as to when he knew that prisoners taken by Canadian JTF2 troops in Afghanistan handed them over to the Americans, study, 43:1530; 44:1120; 45:1935; 46:1530; 47:1105; 48:1530; 49:1935; 50:1530; 51:1930; 52:1110; 53:1540; 54:1145; 55:1105
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meetings no. 54; no. 56
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, Minutes of Meeting, no. 56
⇒⇒Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being tabled in House
⇒⇒⇒Contempt not found, M. (Macklin), 36:1155-1220, agreed to on recorded division, 36:1220
⇒⇒⇒Deloitte & Touche report, M. (Harris), 36:1220, negatived on recorded division, 36:1220
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Jordan), 37:1220-30, agreed to on recorded division, 37:1230
⇒⇒⇒Study, 30:1130-1255; 34:1104; 36:1109
⇒⇒Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing
⇒⇒⇒Study, 15:1107; 16:1104
⇒⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 17; No. 18
Privy Council Office
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, Supplementary (A), Vote 20a see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, Vote 20 see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
Procedure and Committee business
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure subcommittee, report., M., amdt., agreed to on recorded division, 65:1130
⇒⇒Amendments, vote by secret ballot, M., 02:1555-1605, negatived on recorded division, 02:1605
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, votable item selection by Private Members' Business Sub-Committee (Bill S-22), M. (Parrish), rescinding, M. (Regan), 39:1110-25
⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, election by secret ballot/convening of meetings, amendment to S.O. 106, M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1615; 02:1540-1635
⇒⇒Chair, decision, M. (Guimond), sustained on recorded division, 13:1106-20
⇒⇒Committee business, statement by the Chair, 65:1130
⇒⇒Documents, lack of translation, violation of Official Languages Act, M. (Dalphond-Guiral), 03:1115-25, as amended, agreed to
⇒⇒Witnesses, inviting, M., 03:1200-10
⇒⇒⇒Recorded divisions, Minutes of Meetings no. 54; no. 55
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
⇒⇒Items of business, study, 03:1106
Proulx, Marcel (Lib.--Hull--Aylmer)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 59:1110-15
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 12:1141
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 55:1105


Radio see Committees of the House of Commons--Broadcasting
Reed, Julian (Lib.--Halton)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 13:1135-40
Referendum regulations
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada proposals
⇒⇒⇒Report, M. (Saada), 35:1113-20, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 33:1104; 35:1113
Regan, Geoff (Lib.--Halifax West; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of Government in the House of Commons as of September 13, 2001)
⇒⇒Bills, Private Members' Public, 39:1110-25
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 09:1145, 1215; 10:1130
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1230-35; 42:1220, 1235, 1245
⇒⇒Committees, of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 14:1110-15; 38:1125-30
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 02:1535, 1550, 1615
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1110; 35:1115-20
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 05:1155, 1210
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1140-45
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1533-35, 1550; 28:1535-40
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, 23:1215
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 31:1150; 32:1225; 39:1130-40, 1155; 41:1105-10, 1140, 1150
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1125
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1135, 1155-1200, 1245-50; 34:1140-50,1220-25; 36:1135
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1130, 1155; 16:1210
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 47:1155-1200, 1250; 44:1120-25, 1205-10; 45:2000, 2105-10; 46:1600-10, 1645; 48:1545-50; 49:1950-55, 2030-35; 50:1540, 1550, 1650; 51:1955-2000, 2130; 52:1130-40; 53:1545, 1615-20, 1635, 1655, 1710; 55:1205
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1115-20
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1110-30
Regulations see Referendum regulations
Reid, Scott (CA--Lanark--Carleton)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1215-25; 09:1145-50, 1220-25; 10:1115-20, 1220-25, 1240-1300
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1300-05; 42:1105-15, 1135-40, 1210-15, 1255
⇒⇒Future business, 35:1130
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1145-50
Reports to House
⇒⇒First (Membership of House of Commons Standing and Standing Joint Committees.), issue no. 2
⇒⇒Second (order of precedence for votable items), issue no. 3
⇒⇒Third (Standing Order 87(6)), issue no. 3
⇒⇒Fourth (membership, committees), issue no. 6
⇒⇒Fifth (membership, committees), issue no. 7
⇒⇒Sixth (votable items), issue no. 7
⇒⇒Seventh (membership, committees), issue no. 9
⇒⇒Eighth (membership, committees)
⇒⇒Ninth (Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9)), issue no. 10
⇒⇒Tenth (votable items), issue no. 12
⇒⇒Eleventh (Parliamentary calendar), issue no. 12
⇒⇒Twelfth (votable items), issue no. 18
⇒⇒Thirteenth (votable items), issue no. 18
⇒⇒Fourteenth (Privilege, Parliamentary, Toews (contempt of Parliament)), issue no. 18
⇒⇒Fifteenth (Standing Order 87(6)), issue no. 19
⇒⇒Sixteenth (Parliamentary calendar), issue no. 19
⇒⇒Seventeenth (House of Commons, Estimates, 2001-2002, Main), issue no. 20
⇒⇒Eighteenth (membership, committees), issue no. 20
⇒⇒Nineteenth (review of the radio and television broadcasting), issue no. 19
⇒⇒Twentieth (Privy council, Estimates, 2001-2002, Main), issue no. 21
⇒⇒Twenty-first (votable items), issue no. 22
⇒⇒Twenty-second (Standing Order 87(6)), issue no. 22
⇒⇒Twenty-third (membership, Special Committee on non-medical use of drugs), issue no. 23
⇒⇒Twenty-fifth (votable items), issue no. 24
⇒⇒Twenty-seventh (Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10)), issue no. 27
⇒⇒Twenty-eighth (membership, committees), issue no. 28
⇒⇒Twenty-ninth (membership, committees), issue no. 29
⇒⇒Thirtieth (membership, committees), issue no. 30
⇒⇒Thirty-third (membership, committees), issue no. 33
⇒⇒Thirty-fourth (Private Members' Business, procedures, improvement), issue no. 32
⇒⇒Thirty-fifth (membership, committees), issue no. 34
⇒⇒Thirty-sixth(membership, committees), issue no. 35
⇒⇒Thirty-seventh (membership, committees), issue no. 35
⇒⇒Thirty-eighth (Referendum regulations), issue no. 35
⇒⇒Fourtieth (Question of Privilege, Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being tabled in House), issue no. 37
⇒⇒Forty-first (Television Broadcasting of Committee Proceedings), issue no. 38
⇒⇒Forty-third (Private Members' Business), issue no. 41
⇒⇒Forty-fourth (membership, committees), issue no. 41
⇒⇒Forty-fifth (membership, committees), issue no. 42
⇒⇒Forty-sixth (membership, committees), issue no. 47
⇒⇒Forty-seventh (membership, committees), issue no. 54
⇒⇒Forty-eighth (votable items), issue no. 55
⇒⇒Fiftieth, Question of Privilege, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, issue no. 56
⇒⇒Fifty-first (membership, committees), issue no. 59
⇒⇒Fifty-second (membership, committees), issue no. 60
⇒⇒Fifty-third (votable items), issue no. 59
⇒⇒Fifty-fourth (House of Commons, Estimates, 2002-2003, main), issue no. 61
⇒⇒Fifty-fifth (membership, committees), issue no. 64
⇒⇒Fifty-sixth (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, Estimates, 2002-2003, Main), 63
⇒⇒Fifty-seventh (Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34)), issue no. 64
⇒⇒Fifty-eighth (Television Broadcasting of Committee Proceedings), issue no. 65
⇒⇒Fifty-ninth (Standing Order 107), issue no. 65
⇒⇒Sixtieth (Membership, Legislative Committee on Bill C-55), issue no. 66
⇒⇒Sixty-first (membership, committees), issue no. 67
⇒⇒Sixty-sixth (Private Members' Business), issue no. 68
⇒⇒Sixty-seventh (Security, Parliament Hill), issue no. 69
Reynolds, John (CA--West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast; Leader of the Opposition from December 12, 2001 until May 20, 2002) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1145-55
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1220
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1610; 02:1555-1605, 1635-40
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 04:1115-20; 05:1125, 1205-10
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1533-40
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1110, 1120, 1135
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1115; 66:1115
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 30:1120-25; 37:1142
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1130-1200, 1210-15, 1255; 34:1105, 1125-35, 1205-10, 1220-30; 36:1115, 1125-35, 1205-25
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1115, 1125-35, 1145, 1205-10, 1220
⇒⇒References see Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1115-20, 1130
Richardson, John (Lib.--Perth--Middlesex)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1140
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1220
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1220
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1140, 1205
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1220; 60:1220
Robertson, James (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons, broadcasting, 38:1120
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1107-10, 1130; 22:1200-05
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1200
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1215-20
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1110
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 32:1110, 1205, 1215; 41:1120-25
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 37:1225-30
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 45:2135
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1145, 1200-15
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 60:1115
Rosenberg, Morris (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 30:1205, 1215
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1210-20
Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Goodale)
⇒⇒Consideration, 64:1110


Saada, Jacques (Lib.--Brossard--La Prairie)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1230; 10:1235
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1135-45; 42:1205-10, 1250-55; 63:1200-05, 1235
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 07:1215-20; 13:1130, 1150; 14:1110, 1125; 38:1120, 1130
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1610; 02:1535, 1620
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, 40:1135
⇒⇒Future business, 19:1110-20, 1205-15, 1225; 35:1115-30; 65:1125-30, 1145
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1220-30
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1125-35, 1155
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1210-20
⇒⇒Legislative Services and Committee Directorate, 38:1115
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540, 1550
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 07:1120; 27:1110-20, 1135
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 41:1125-30, 1155-1200; 62:1135; 66:1110
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, 37:1205
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1210; 36:1125-30, 1200-05, 1220
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 16:1104, 1110, 1155-1200, 1235
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1120-30, 1225-30, 1250, 1330, 1340; 45:2030-35, 2140-45; 52:1150-55, 1235; 53:1625-35, 1705-25; 54:1155-1200, 1255; 55:1120, 1145-50, 1215
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1120, 1225
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, 33:1210
⇒⇒Reports to House, M. (Saada), 02:1535
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1120-30
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1155; 69:1210-15
Secret ballot see Committees of the House of Commons--Chair; Procedure--Amendments
⇒⇒Parliament Hill, study, 57:1105; 58:1110; 60:1105; 69:1210
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 68
⇒⇒Report to House, M. (catterall), agreed to, Minutes of Meeting no. 69
Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14)--Godfrey
⇒⇒Consideration, deferral, 22:1110
⇒⇒Votable item, M. (Saada), agreed to, no recording, No. 24
Sircar, Muhammad Jamiruddin (Parliament of Bangladesh)
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
St. Denis, Brent (Lib.--Algoma--Manitoulin; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport until September 12, 2001)
⇒⇒Householder mailings, 40:1210
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 49:2010
Standing Orders
⇒⇒106 see Committees of the House of Commons--Chair
⇒⇒87(6) see Private Members' Business--Order of Precedence
⇒⇒And procedure, consideration, "That this House takes note of the Standing Orders and procedure of the House and its Committees", M. (Reynolds), 03:1210
⇒⇒See also Private Members' Business--Procedures
Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Musquodoboit Valley--Eastern Shore)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 46:1720
Strahl, Chuck (CA--Fraser Valley; PC/DR Coalition--Fraser Valley as of September 13, 2001; Ind.--Fraser Valley as of April 10, 2002; CA--Fraser Valley as of April 16, 2002)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 11:1115-20; 21:1130
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 13:1125-30
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 01:1555-1610; 02:1540-50, 1605-30
⇒⇒House of Commons, electronic voting, 04:1120-25, 1205
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535
Studies and inquiries
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1104; 09:1109; 10:1103
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
⇒⇒⇒Elections (37th general, November 27, 2000)
⇒⇒⇒⇒Report, 11:1103
⇒⇒⇒⇒Report Modernizing the Electoral Process, 42:1105
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, Supplementary (A), 06:1109
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 21:1113
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, 63:1105; 64:1110
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, radio and television, 07:1135-1225; 13:1120-1210; 14:1103; 38:1115-30
⇒⇒⇒Membership, 02:1530
⇒⇒Electoral boundaries, readjustment process, 40:1135-45, 1225
⇒⇒Grand Mère Golf Club, Prime Minister (Chrétien), ownership of shares, 12:1155-1230
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1104; 05:1104
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, 20:1104
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, 61:1110
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1107
⇒⇒⇒Report on Plans and Priorities, 2001-2002, 26:1132
⇒⇒Householder mailings, election expense, including, 40:1145-1245
⇒⇒Legislative Services and Committee Directorate, Legislative Counsel, guidelines, 38:1112-15
⇒⇒Parliament Buildings, renovations, status, 23:1104
⇒⇒Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Parliamentary Poet Laureate)(Bill S-10), 25:1541; 27:1106
⇒⇒⇒⇒No recording, Minutes of Meeting no. 24
⇒⇒Parliamentary Calendar Sub-committee, Report, 14:1135-40; 19:1107-20
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 59:1110; 62:1110; 66:1110
⇒⇒⇒Procedures, improvement, changes to Standing Orders, drafting, 31:1109; 32:1107; 37:1235; 39:1125; 41:1104
⇒⇒⇒⇒No recording, Minutes of Meeting no. 24
⇒⇒Private Members' Business Sub-Committee, Reports, 12:1141; 30:1111-30
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 67
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House as to when he knew that prisoners taken by Canadian JTF2 troops in Afghanistan handed them over to the Americans, study, 43:1530; 44:1120; 45:1935; 46:1530; 47:1105; 48:1530; 49:1935; 50:1530; 51:1930; 52:1110; 53:1540; 54:1145; 55:1105
⇒⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 54; no. 56
⇒⇒⇒Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being tabled in House, 30:1130-1255; 34:1104; 36:1109
⇒⇒⇒Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing, 15:1107; 16:1104
⇒⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 17; No. 18
⇒⇒Referendum regulations, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada proposals, 33:1104; 35:1113
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1110
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1105; 58:1110; 60:1105; 69:1210
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of Meeting no. 68


Television see Committees of the House of Commons--Broadcasting
Thivierge, Michel (House of Commons)
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1200
⇒⇒⇒Performance Report, 2000-2001, 29:1210
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 57:1115, 1130-35, 1150-55, 1205-10, 1220; 60:1125, 1150, 1205-10, 1220
Tirabassi, Tony (Lib.--Niagara Centre)
⇒⇒Committees of the House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Broadcasting, 13:1130-35
⇒⇒⇒Chair and Vice-Chair, M. (Strahl), 02:1630
⇒⇒Delegations from Malawi and Bangladesh, informal meeting, 65:1145
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1140, 1200
⇒⇒House of Commons
⇒⇒⇒Electronic voting, 04:1200-05
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2002-2003, main, 61:1140-45
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1135
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Anti-terrorism Act, (Bill C-36), 34:1200-05; 36:1205
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 47:1245; 49:2030; 51:2015; 54:1205
⇒⇒Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 03:1110
⇒⇒Security, Parliament Hill, 60:1200-05
Toews, Vic (CA--Provencher)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary
⇒⇒⇒Media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 15:1115-40
⇒⇒⇒Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 44:1125, 1155-1205, 1215, 1255, 1310; 46:1550-1600; 47:1145-55; 48:1535-45; 49:1940-50; 50:1540-50; 51:1940-50, 2055; 52:1120-30; 53:1545-55, 1715-20, 1730
⇒⇒References see Privilege, Parliamentary
Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1135, 1200, 1225, 1310
Trust accounts see Elections--Candidate expenses


Veterans see Elections--Secret ballot
Vézina, Janice (Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 06:1250-55; 11:1155; 21:1200-05; 63:1135-40
Votable items see Private Members' Business


Wall, Ron (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 64:1115
Walsh, Rob (Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, House of Commons)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 45:2020, 2105, 2125
Wappel, Tom (Lib.--Scarborough Southwest)
⇒⇒References see Elections--Secret ballot
White, Randy (CA--Langley--Abbotsford)
⇒⇒Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office, 63:1135-40, 1225-30
⇒⇒Future business, 22:1145, 1200
⇒⇒Private Members' Business, 62:1125, 1200, 1215, 1300
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 43:1540
White, Ted (CA--North Vancouver)
⇒⇒Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 08:1115-20, 1135, 1235-40; 10:1155-1205
Wright, Jim (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)
⇒⇒Privilege, Parliamentary, Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House, 52:1110-1215, 1225-1300