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Board of Internal Economy meeting

The Agenda includes information about the items of business to be dealt with by the Board and date, time and place of the meeting. The Transcript is the edited and revised report of what is said during the meeting. The Minutes are the official record of decisions made by the Board at a meeting.

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Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A meeting of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons was held on Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 11:15 a.m., in Room 340-S, Centre Block.

In the Chair: The Honourable Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons

Present: The Honourables Judy Foote and Dominic LeBlanc; Messrs. Andrew Leslie, Andrew Scheer, Gordon Brown and Peter Julian

Acting Secretary to the Board: Marc Bosc, Acting Clerk of the House of Commons

Also Present: Mark Watters, Chief Financial Officer; Philippe Dufresne, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Robin Kells, Secretariat

New Members of the Board

Pursuant to section 50(5) of the Parliament of Canada Act , the Hon. Geoff Regan (December 8, 2015), Mr. Gordon Brown (December 7, 2015) and Mr. Andrew Leslie (December 7, 2015) were recently sworn in as members of the Board.

The Hon. Judy Foote (June 8, 2011), the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc (February 26, 2014),

Mr. Andrew Scheer (June 8, 2011) and Mr. Peter Julian (April 27, 2015), who were previously sworn in, continue their appointments to the Board.

Pursuant to section 50(2) of the Parliament of Canada Act , the Hon. Judy Foote and the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc were appointed as representatives of the Queen’s Privy Council.

Members’ Allowances and Services

Requests from the Former Prime Minister and the Government House Leader

In keeping with past practice, the Board approved the allocation to the former Prime Minister of an annual House Officer budget for the duration of the 42nd Parliament or until cessation of his mandate as a Member of the House of Commons, whichever comes first. The House Officer budget is equal to the amount of the Member’s Office Budget, as established from time to time, and can be used for employee salaries, administrative and office operating expenses, and national and international travel expenses incurred by the former Prime Minister and employees whose salaries are charged to this budget. The budget will be established immediately on a pro-rated basis for the remainder of the current fiscal year.

The Board also approved the establishment of an annual House Officer’s Office Budget in the amount of $100,000 for the Government House Leader. The budget will be established immediately on a pro-rated basis for the remainder of the current fiscal year.

Bloc Québécois Request for Additional Resources

The Board took note of a request from members of the Bloc Québécois for additional resources and directed the House Administration to conduct an analysis for its next meeting.


Report to Canadians 2015

The Board took note of the Report to Canadians 2015 , which provides an update on Members’ activities and the House Administration’s accomplishments for the fiscal year in support of Members and the institution, and agreed that the Speaker proceed with its tabling in the House of Commons as soon as practicable.

Second-Quarter Financial Status Report for Fiscal Year 2015-2016

The Board took note of the Second-Quarter Financial Status Report for fiscal year 2015-2016, as at September 30, 2015.

Main Estimates 2016-2017

The Board approved the Main Estimates for 2016-2017 in the amount of $463,627,783, which represent an increase of $20,178,691 over fiscal year 2015-2016. This amount includes the following adjustments:

  • Reductions from the 2015-2016 Main Estimates of $31,762K:
    • $25,302,909 resulting from the transfer to the new Parliamentary Protective Service;
    • $5,000,000 resulting from the reduction in statutory budgets;
    • $758,924 resulting from a temporary funding for the 24th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum to be held in Vancouver in January 2016; and
    • $700,000 resulting from adjustments to the House pension contributions to the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances and Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements accounts.
  • Increases from the 2015-2016 Main Estimates of $25,029K – items previously approved by the Board:
    • $6,922,000 for the electoral boundaries redistribution;
    • $5,572,713 for sustaining the major projects of the Long Term Vision and Plan;
    • $3,390,967 for economic increases for the House Administration employees;
    • $2,961,875 for sustaining and managing facility assets acquired through the Long Term Vision and Plan;
    • $1,938,241 for enhancing security across the Parliamentary Precinct;
    • $1,281,200 for adjustments to the annual sessional allowance and additional salaries for Members, House Officers, the Speaker and other presiding officers;
    • $1,053,267 for the Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) adjustment and EBP annual rate increase from 16.8% to 17.2% as determined by the Treasury Board for fiscal year 2016-2017;
    • $981,952 for sustaining of information technology assets acquired through the Long Term Vision and Plan;
    • $556,343 for the wireless telecommunications services revisions;
    • $195,210 for the electronic petition system;
    • $100,206 for the economic increase for senior managers, approved by the Speaker of the House; and
    • $75,000 for the ratification of the collective agreement for the House of Commons Protective Service bargaining unit.
  • Other items not previously approved by the Board:
    • $1,067,000 for the adjustment to House Officers’ budget following the general election on October 19, 2015;
    • $25,372,433 for a one time only increase of 20% to Members’ Office Budgets and House Officers Office Budgets starting April 1, 2016, and a new House Officer’s Office Budget of $100,000 for the Government House Leader; and
    • $471,800 for a one time only increase of 5% to the Travel Status Expenses Account starting April 1, 2016.

The Board decided that as of April 1, 2017, Members’ Office Budgets and all House Officer Budgets would be adjusted annually by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as measured in September of the previous year, so that these increases can be included with the Main Estimates proposals in a timely manner.

The Board also decided that the annual maximum salary per Member’s employee would be increased by 2.1%, based on the CPI reported by the Bank of Canada for September 2015, bringing the annual maximum salary to $84,500.

The Board directed the House Administration provide an analysis of the structure of the Travel Status Expenses Account that considers regional disparities for consideration at a future meeting.

Appointment of Board Spokespersons

Pursuant to Standing Order 37(2) , the Hon. Dominic LeBlanc and Mr. Gordon Brown were appointed to act as the spokespersons for the Board.


Request from a Former Member

The Board approved a request from a former Member related to departure entitlements.

Information Technology

The Board directed the House Administration to conduct an analysis of the information technology allocations for Members’ employees in view of their role in supporting Members’ committee work in an increasingly paperless environment.

The meeting was adjourned.

Marc Bosc
Acting Secretary to the Board