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Casting Vote of the Speaker – 1867 to present

No. Date Motion Before the House Casting Vote (Yea or Nay) Speaker's Statement
Speaker Regan, 2015-present
11 May 16, 2016 A motion for concurrence at report stage of Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Air Canada Public Participation Act and to provide for certain other measures. YEA

“The Speaker votes in accordance with precedents, past decisions of Speakers in these such cases, and those precedents hold that the Speaker votes to allow debate to continue on a matter before the House, which in this case, means that I would vote yes.”

Journals, pp. 4535

Debates, pp. 3352-4

Speaker Scheer, 2011–2015
10 June 06, 2012 A motion for second reading of Bill C-273, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (cyberbullying). YEA

“…it has been the tradition that at second reading the Speaker votes in favour of a motion at second reading, so I will declare the motion carried.”

Journals, pp. 1450–2

Debates, pp. 8996–8

Speaker Milliken, 2001–2011
9 October 08, 2009 A motion to proceed to Orders of the Day. NAY

“…the Chair normally votes in favour of further debate on a matter. Accordingly, in this case, I will vote no on the motion so that the debate on the motion before the House may continue.”

Journals, pp. 892–4

Debates, pp. 5725–6

8 April 29, 2009 A motion for second reading of Bill C-241, An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (removal of waiting period). YEA

“…in circumstances such as today’s it is customary, for this Speaker at least, to vote in favour of a motion at second reading.”

Journals, pp. 427–9

Debates, pp. 2868-9

7 May 19, 2005 A motion for second reading of Bill C-48, An Act to authorize the Minister of Finance to make certain payments. YEA

“…to allow the House time for further debate so that it can make its own decision at some future time.”

Journals, pp. 783-4

Debates, pp. 6259-60

6 May 04, 2005 A motion for second reading of Bill C-215, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence). YEA

“…for further debate on this bill.”

Journals, pp. 701-2

Debates, pp. 5674-5

5 September 16, 2003 An amendment to delete certain words in a Supply day motion. NAY

“…since the House has been unable to take a decision tonight, I will vote so that Members may be given another opportunity to pronounce themselves on the issue at some future time and, accordingly, I cast my vote in the negative.”

Journals, pp. 972-3

Debates, pp. 7436-7

Speaker Macnaughton, 1963-1965
4 December 04, 1963 A motion to sustain the ruling of the Chair. The Chair did not vote

“Since the decision has not been negatived, I declare my ruling sustained.”

Journals, pp. 621-2

Debates, pp. 5709-10

Speaker Lemieux, 1922-1930
3 March 31, 1925 A motion to use the remainder of the time allotted to the consideration of Private Bills for the consideration of Public Bills and Orders. NAY

“…as there is a Committee appointed by the House to discuss the advisability amending some of the rules and as this committee has not yet considered Rule 25 which is affected by the principle involved in the said motion, therefore it would be wise to let the committee consider this motion and report on it before further action.”

Journals, pp. 180-2

Debates, pp. 1701-2

Speaker Ouimet, 1887-1891
2 February 28, 1889 A six month hoist amendment to a motion to study a bill entitled Bill to make further provision as to the prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and to amend chapter one hundred and seventy-two of the Revised Statutes of Canada, intituled: “An Act respecting Cruelty to Animals” in Committee of the Whole. NAY

“…to give the House a further opportunity for consideration.”

…to leave the question before the House.

« [...] laisser la question devant la chambre. »

Journals, pp. 113-4

Debates, pp. 368

Speaker Cockburn, 1867-1873
1 May 06, 1870 A three month hoist amendment to a motion for third reading of a bill entitled a Bill respecting interest. YEA

“…to keep the Bill before the House.”

Journals, pp. 310-1

Debates, pp. 1405-6