Fulfilled One-time Legislative Requirement

Agriculture and Agri-Food, Minister of

Canadian Grain Commission

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: independent and comprehensive review of the Commission and of the provisions and operation of the Act
Within a year after the coming into force of section 120.1. Section 120.1 came into force on August 1, 2005.
8560 915
Canada Grain Act
R.S., 1985, c. G-10, s. 120.1


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the Act
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report is completed (as soon as practicable after the expiration of the period of 10 years beginning on the day of the coming into force of the Act). The Act came into force on August 1, 1990.
8560 791
Plant Breeders' Rights Act
1990, c. 20, s. 77(1)

Crown-Indigenous Relations, Minister of

Cree-Naskapi Commission

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: inquiry into the functioning of the Commission
On any of the first 10 days on which the House is sitting after the day the Minister receives the report (within six months after the responsible person is appointed i.e., within six months after the fifth anniversary of the coming into force of Part XII). Part XII came into force on December 1, 1984.
Naskapi and the Cree-Naskapi Commission Act
1984, c. 18, s. 172(2)


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the provisions and operation of the Act and the operations of the institutions, including any changes recommended by the Minister
Within seven years after the day on which the Act receives royal assent. The Act was assented to on March 23, 2005.
8560 1061
First Nations Fiscal Management Act
2005, c. 9, s. 146

Specific Claims Tribunal

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: statement of any changes to the Act by the Minister and the representations which have been made by First Nations
On any of the first 90 days on which the House is sitting after the Minister signs the report (within one year after the review is undertaken). The review is undertaken within one year after the fifth anniversary of the coming into force of the Act. The Act came into force on October 16, 2008.
8560 1104
Specific Claims Tribunal Act
2008, c. 22, s. 41

Employment and Social Development, Minister of

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report of Chief Actuary: financial assistance provided under the Act in the loan year that ended on July 31, 2008
On the day after the day on which the report is submitted (no later than July 31, 2009) or, if the House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days afterwards that it is sitting
8560 1015
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
1994, c. 28, ss. 19.1(1) and (4)

Environment, Minister of the


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: national strategy on disposal of lamps containing mercury
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the later of December 31, 2018, and the day that is two years after the day on which the Act receives royal assent. The Act received royal assent on June 22, 2017.
8560 1227
National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Act
2017, c. 16, s. 3(1)

Parks Canada Agency

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Community plan: park community
As soon as possible after section 33 comes into force. Section 33 came into force on February 19, 2001.
See below
Canada National Parks Act
2000, c. 32, s. 33(1)
  1. Banff (including any zoning by-laws made under the agreement referred to in section 35 of the Act)
    8560 829
  2. Field
    8560 830
  3. Jasper
    8560 831
  4. Lake Louise
    8560 832
  5. Wasagaming
    8560 833
  6. Waskesiu
    8560 835
  7. Waterton
    8560 834
Management plan: marine park (jointly with the Quebec minister)
Within one year after the coming into force of the Act. The Act came into force on June 8, 1998.
8560 245
Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act
1997, c. 37, s. 9(1)
Management plan: national historic site or other protected heritage area other than the Rouge National Urban Park
Upon receipt of the management plan by the Minister (within five years after the establishment of a national historic site or other protected heritage area, or within five years after the coming into force of section 32, whichever is later). Section 32 came into force on December 21, 1998.
See below
Parks Canada Agency Act
1998, c. 31, s. 32(1)
  1. Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site
    8560 904
  2. Ardgowan National Historic Site
    8560 883
  3. Auyuittuq National Park
    8560 1038
  4. Bar U Ranch National Historic Site
    8560 898
  5. Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site
    8560 969
  6. Battle of the Restigouche National Historic Site
    8560 946
  7. Bellevue House National Historic Site
    8560 860
  8. Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site
    8560 760
  9. Boishébert and Beaubears Island Shipbuilding National Historic Sites
    8560 1054
  10. Canso Islands and Grassy Island Fort National Historic Sites
    8560 1012
  11. Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site
    8560 858
  12. Carillon Barracks National Historic Site
    8560 950
  13. Carillon Canal National Historic Site
    8560 861
  14. Carleton Martello Tower National Historic Site
    8560 851
  15. Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site
    8560 940
  16. Castle Hill National Historic Site
    8560 957
  17. Chambly Canal National Historic Site
    8560 987
  18. Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site
    8560 853
  19. Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site
    8560 949
  20. Dawson Historical Complex National Historic Site
    8560 856
  21. Dredge No. 4 National Historic Site
    8560 857
  22. Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site
    8560 951
  23. Fort Battleford National Historic Site, including Frenchman Butte and Frog Lake
    8560 758
  24. Fort Chambly National Historic Site
    8560 945
  25. Fort Espérance, Fort Pelly and Fort Livingstone National Historic Sites
    8560 943
  26. Fort George, Butler's Barracks, Fort Mississauga, Navy Island, Queenston Heights, Mississauga Point Lighthouse and Battlefield of Fort George National Historic Sites
    8560 961
  27. Fort Henry National Historic Site
    8560 970
  28. Fort Langley National Historic Site
    8560 899
  29. Fort Lennox National Historic Site
    8560 972
  30. Fort Malden National Historic Site
    8560 762
  31. Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites
    8560 837
  32. Fort St. James National Historic Site
    8560 812
  33. Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site
    8560 903
  34. Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site
    8560 962
  35. Fort Walsh National Historic Site
    8560 887
  36. Fort Wellington and Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site
    8560 761
  37. Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site
    8560 955
  38. Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
    8560 755
  39. Fortress of Louisbourg, Wolfe's Landing and Royal Battery National Historic Sites
    8560 1057
  40. Georgian Bay Islands National Park
    8560 1033
  41. Grand-Pré National Historic Site
    8560 813
  42. Gros Morne National Park
    8560 1023
  43. Grosse île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site
    8560 759
  44. Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
    8560 816
  45. Halifax Citadel, Georges Island, Fort McNab, Prince of Wales Tower and York Redoubt National Historic Sites
    8560 1014
  46. Hawthorne Cottage National Historic Site
    8560 953
  47. HMCS Haida National Historic Site
    8560 1055
  48. Hopedale Mission National Historic Site
    8560 960
  49. Inverarden House National Historic Site
    8560 971
  50. Kingston Fortifications National Historic Site
    8560 966
  51. Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site
    8560 886
  52. L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site
    8560 838
  53. Lachine Canal Historic Site
    8560 865
  54. Laurier House National Historic Site
    8560 947
  55. Lévis Forts National Historic Site
    8560 988
  56. Linear Mounds National Historic Site
    8560 959
  57. Louis S. St. Laurent National Historic Site
    8560 974
  58. Louis-Joseph Papineau National Historic Site
    8560 978
  59. Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site
    8560 963
  60. Maillou House National Historic Site
    8560 989
  61. Manoir Papineau National Historic Site
    8560 902
  62. Marconi National Historic Site
    8560 975
  63. Melanson Settlement National Historic Site
    8560 859
  64. Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Site
    8560 944
  65. Montmorency Park National Historic Site
    8560 983
  66. Monument-Lefebvre National Historic Site
    8560 1056
  67. Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site
    8560 815
  68. Mountain Parks National Historic Sites
    8560 967
  69. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
    8560 1037
  70. Point Clark Lighthouse National Historic Site
    8560 965
  71. Pointe-au-Père Lighthouse National Historic Site
    8560 984
  72. Port au Choix National Historic Site
    8560 979
  73. Port-la-Joye–Fort Amherst National Historic Site
    8560 817
  74. Port-Royal, Fort Anne, Scots Fort and Fort Edward National Historic Sites
    8560 814
  75. Prince Albert National Park
    8560 996
  76. Prince Edward Island National Park
    8560 948
  77. Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site
    8560 757
  78. Province House National Historic Site
    8560 884
  79. Québec Garrison Club National Historic Site
    8560 986
  80. Quttinirpaaq National Park
    8560 1025
  81. Red Bay National Historic Site
    8560 850
  82. Rideau Canal National Historic Site
    8560 889
  83. Riding Mountain National Park and Riding Mountain Park East Gate Registration Complex National Historic Site
    8560 981
  84. Riel House National Historic Site
    8560 839
  85. Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
    8560 956
  86. Ryan Premises National Historic Site
    8560 976
  87. S.S. Keno National Historic Site
    8560 855
  88. S.S. Klondike National Historic Site
    8560 854
  89. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal National Historic Site
    8560 888
  90. Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux National Historic Site
    8560 968
  91. Saint-Louis Mission National Historic Site
    8560 977
  92. Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site
    8560 882
  93. Saoyú-?ehdacho National Historic Site
    8560 1102
  94. Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site
    8560 985
  95. Signal Hill National Historic Site
    8560 980
  96. Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site
    8560 942
  97. Sir John Johnson House National Historic Site
    8560 982
  98. Sir Wilfrid Laurier National Historic Site
    8560 941
  99. Southwold Earthworks National Historic Site
    8560 958
  100. St. Andrew’s Rectory and St. Andrew’s Anglican Church National Historic Sites
    8560 818
  101. St. Andrews Blockhouse National Historic Site
    8560 852
  102. St. Peters Canal and St. Peters National Historic Sites
    8560 1013
  103. Terra Nova National Park
    8560 609
  104. The Forks National Historic Site
    8560 954
  105. The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site
    8560 938
  106. Torngat Mountains National Park
    8560 1036
  107. Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
    8560 756
  108. Tuktut Nogait National Park
    8560 990
  109. Wapusk National Park
    8560 964
  110. Woodside National Historic Site
    8560 763
  111. York Factory National Historic Site
    8560 952
Management plan
Within five years after a park is established
See below
Canada National Parks Act
2000, c. 32, s. 11(1)
  1. Aulavik National Park
    8560 811
  2. Auyuittuq National Park
    8560 1038
  3. Battle of Tourond's Coulee / Fish Creek National Historic Site
    8560 939
  4. Elk Island National Park
    8560 900
  5. Fundy National Park
    8560 905
  6. Georgian Bay Islands National Park
    8560 1033
  7. Grasslands National Park
    8560 809
  8. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site
    8560 810
  9. Ivvavik National Park
    8560 973
  10. Kluane National Park and Reserve
    8560 847
  11. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
    8560 906
  12. Mount Revelstoke National Park, Glacier National Park and Rogers Pass National Historic Site
    8560 901
  13. Nááts'ihch'oh National Park Reserve
    8560 1103
  14. Nahanni National Park Reserve
    8560 849
  15. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
    8560 1037
  16. Prince Albert National Park
    8560 996
  17. Prince Edward Island National Park
    8560 948
  18. Quttinirpaaq National Park
    8560 1025
  19. Riding Mountain National Park and Riding Mountain Park East Gate Registration Complex National Historic Site
    8560 981
  20. Sable Island National Park Reserve
    8560 1103
  21. Sirmilik National Park
    8560 1103
  22. Terra Nova National Park
    8560 609
  23. Torngat Mountains National Park
    8560 1036
  24. Tuktut Nogait National Park
    8560 990
  25. Vuntut National Park
    8560 848
  26. Wapusk National Park
    8560 964

Finance, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the Act and its operation
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the review is completed (three years after the day on which section 49 of the Act comes into force). Section 49 came into force on June 4, 2015.
8560 1152
Canadian Payments Act
R.S., 1985, c. C-21, s. 49

Foreign Affairs, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: financial statements of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development and Auditor General's report
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report is completed (within four months after section 500 comes into force). Section 500 came into force on July 27, 2012.
8560 1067
An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures
2012, c. 19, s. 500

Health, Minister of

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: evaluation of the Centre's activities and organization
As soon as possible after the fourth anniversary of the coming into force of the Act. The Act came into force on November 1, 1988.
8560 591A
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Act
R.S., 1985, c. 49 (4th Supp.), s. 33


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: federal framework on Lyme disease
On any of the first 90 days on which the House is sitting after the report has been published on the Public Health Agency of Canada's website (within one year after the federal framework is developed)
8560 1108
Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Act
2014, c. 37, s. 5
Report: federal framework on post-traumatic stress disorder
Within 18 months after the Act comes into force. The Act came into force on June 21, 2018.
8560 1231
Federal Framework on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act
2018, c. 13, s. 4(1)
Report: framework on palliative care
Within one year after the day on which the Act comes into force. The Act came into force on December 12, 2017.
8560 1150
Framework on Palliative Care in Canada Act
2017, c. 28, s. 3(1)

Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, Minister of

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: Foundation's activities and organization
Within the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report has been completed (as soon as possible after the fourth anniversary of the coming into force of the Act). The Act came into force on October 28, 1996.
8560 796
Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act
1991, c. 8, s. 27(2)

Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: comprehensive review of the effects of the repeal of section 67 of the Canadian Human Rights Act
Within one year after the day on which the review is undertaken (within five years after the day on which the Act receives royal assent). The Act was assented to on June 18, 2008.
8560 1076
An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act
2008, c. 30, s. 2
Report: provisions and implementation of the Act
Not later than two years after the Act comes into force. The Act came into force on January 31, 2011.
8560 1070
An Act to promote gender equity in Indian registration by responding to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia decision in McIvor v. Canada (Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs)
2010, c. 18, s. 3.1(1)
Report: study to identify the extent of the preparation, capacity and fiscal and human resources that will be required in order for First Nations communities and organizations to comply with the Canadian Human Rights Act
Within 36 months after the day on which the Act receives royal assent. The Act was assented to on June 18, 2008.
8560 1049
An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act
2008, c. 30, s. 4

Indigenous Services, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: design of a process by which the Minister is to carry out the consultations described in subsection 11(1) of the Act
Within five months after the day on which the Act receives royal assent. The Act received royal assent on December 12, 2017.
8560 1142
An Act to amend the Indian Act in response to the Superior Court of Quebec decision in Descheneaux c. Canada (Procureur général)
2017, c. 25, s. 11(3)
Report: implementation of the amendments to the Indian Act
Not later than two years after the Act is assented to. The Act was assented to on June 28, 1985.
An Act to amend the Indian Act
R.S., 1985, c. 32 (1st Supp.), s. 23(1)
Report: reviews carried out under paragraph 12(1)(a) of the Act, as well as recommendations in respect of any changes to be made to the Act to reduce or eliminate the sex-based inequities if the Minister determines these inequities still exist
Within three years after the day on which the Act receives royal assent. The Act received royal assent on December 12, 2017.
8560 1266
An Act to amend the Indian Act in response to the Superior Court of Quebec decision in Descheneaux c. Canada (Procureur général)
2017, c. 25, s. 12(1)

Industry, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: administration of the Act
On any of the first 15 days that the House is sitting after the Minister completes the report (as soon as practicable after the expiration of a period of five years beginning on the earliest day on which the Act or a provision thereof is in force). The Act came into force on January 25, 1986.
Electricity and Gas Inspection Act
R.S., 1985, c. E-4, s. 29
Report: provisions and operation of the Act, including any recommendations for amendments to provisions
Within 10 years after the day on which section 299 of the Act comes into force. Section 299 came into force on October 17, 2011.
8560 1277
Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act
2009, c. 23, s. 299(1)
Report: provisions and operation of the Act
Within five years after the coming into force of section 285. Section 285 came into force on September 18, 2009.
8560 1077
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 285(1)
Report: review of sections 21.01 to 21.19 of the Act and their application
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report has been completed (two years after section 21.2 comes into force). Section 21.2 came into force on May 14, 2005.
8560 995
Patent Act
R.S., 1985, c. P-4, s. 21.2(2)
Report: review of the Canada Business Corporations Act
Within three years after the day on which the Act is assented to. The Act was assented to on June 23, 1994.
8560 82
An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
1994, c. 24, s. 33(1)
Report: review of the Act
Within one year after undertaking the review (five years after the coming into force of the Act). The Act came into force on May 1, 1993.
8560 660
Integrated Circuit Topography Act
1990, c. 37, s. 28(2)
Report: review of the provisions and operation of the Act
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the day on which the report is made (within five years after the day on which the Act receives royal assent). The Act was assented to on March 23, 2011.
8560 1097
An Act to amend the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act
2011, c. 3, s. 29.1(2)

Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the implementation and operation of section 4 of the Act
Within one year after the review is completed (within five years after the day on which the Act comes into force) or within such further time as may be authorized by both Houses of Parliament. The Act came into force on June 13, 2002.
8560 1001
Legislative Instruments Re-enactment Act
2002, c. 20, s. 9(2)

Labour, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the Act and its administration and operation
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the review is completed (within five years after the day on which section 42 comes into force). Section 42 came into force on July 7, 2008.
8560 1090
Wage Earner Protection Program Act
2005, c. 47, s. 1 “42”

Natural Resources, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of the provisions and operation of the Act
Within six months after the Minister has caused a review to be undertaken (three years after the coming into force of the Act) or, if Parliament is not then sitting, within the first 15 sitting days thereafter. The Act came into force on January 1, 2003.
8560 917
Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act
2002, c. 25, s. 45.1

Transport, Minister of


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Report: review of provisions and operation of the Act
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report has been completed (during the fifth year after section 33 comes into force). Section 33 came into force on April 1, 2002.
8560 921
Canadian Air Transport Security Act
2002, c. 9, Part 1, s. 2 “33(2)”
Report: review of provisions and operation of the Act
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report has been completed (during the fifth year after section 56 comes into force). Section 56 came into force on April 25, 2007.
8560 1064
International Bridges and Tunnels Act
2007, c. 1, s. 56
Report: review of the operation and effect of the amendments to the Motor Vehicle Transport Act contained in An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
During the first 30 days on which the House is sitting after the completion of the report (after the expiry of four years after the coming into force of section 26 and before the expiry of five years after that coming into force). Section 26 came into force on January 1, 2006.
8560 571
Motor Vehicle Transport Act
R.S., 1985, c. 29 (3rd Supp.), s. 26(3)
Report: review of the provisions and operation of the Act
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report is completed (during the fifth year after the Act is assented to). The Act was assented to on June 11, 1998.
8560 822
Canada Marine Act
1998, c. 10, s. 144

Treasury Board, President of the


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Code of conduct applicable to the public sector
At least 30 days before the code of conduct comes into force
8560 1059
Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act
2005, c. 46, s. 5(4)
Report: review of the Act and its administration and operation
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the review is completed (five years after section 136 comes into force, the minister shall cause a review of the Act). Section 136 came into force on December 31, 2005.
8560 1058
Public Service Employment Act
2003, c. 22, ss. 12 “136” and 13