Labour, Minister of

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Annual report: access to information
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after September 1 of the year in which the report is prepared
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Access to Information Act
R.S., 1985, c. A-1, s. 94(2)
Annual report: activities of the Centre
Not later than the 10th sitting day of Parliament after the Minister receives the report (within four months after the end of each year)
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Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act
R.S., 1985, c. C-13, s. 26(2)
Annual report: elements enumerated in subsection 20(1) of the Act
In each fiscal year
Service Fees Act
2017, c. 20, s. 451 “20(1)”
Annual report: privacy
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after September 1 of the year in which the report is prepared
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Privacy Act
R.S., 1985, c. P-21, s. 72(2)
Fee proposal, summary of the consultations on the proposal and, if applicable, report of the review panel and actions taken as a result of the report
Before a fee is fixed
Service Fees Act
2017, c. 20, s. 451 “14”
Report: progress in implementing the sustainable development strategy
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the appropriate Minister receives the report (at least once in each of the two years following the tabling of the strategy in a House of Parliament under subsection 11(2))
Federal Sustainable Development Act
2008, c. 33, s. 11(3)
Sustainable development strategy
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the appropriate Minister receives the strategy (within one year after a federal strategy is tabled in a House of Parliament under subsection 10(2))
Federal Sustainable Development Act
2008, c. 33, s. 11(2)


— Description of document
When to be tabled Sessional paper number Statutory authority
Annual report: elements enumerated in subsection 20(1) of the Act
In each fiscal year
Service Fees Act
2017, c. 20, s. 451 “20(1)”
Direction issued to an employer or an employee under Part II of the Canada Labour Code if not complied with within the period provided for in the direction and not appealed within the period provided for in that Part
Within a reasonable time after the later of the expiry of the period for compliance and the expiry of the appeal period
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act
R.S., 1985, c. 33 (2nd Supp.), s. 88.3
Direction referred to in paragraph 88.4(a) of the Act
Before the expiry of the appeal period (in the circumstances described in paragraph 88.4(b))
Note the use of the verb "may" in that paragraph.
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act
R.S., 1985, c. 33 (2nd Supp.), par. 88.4(b)
Directive by Governor in Council to a parent Crown corporation
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the directive is given
Financial Administration Act
R.S., 1985, c. F-11, s. 89(4)
Fee proposal, summary of the consultations on the proposal and, if applicable, report of the review panel and actions taken as a result of the report
Before a fee is fixed
Service Fees Act
2017, c. 20, s. 451 “14”
Report: consolidation and analysis of reports filed under subsection 18(1) of the Act
Not later than the 15th sitting day that the House is sitting after the report is completed
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Employment Equity Act
1995, c. 44, s. 20
Report: reasons for the making of order pursuant to subsection 90(1) of the Act
On any of the first 10 sitting days of the first session of Parliament following a general election
Canada Labour Code
R.S., 1985, c. L-2, s. 90(2)
Report: review of the provisions of Part II relating to harassment and violence
On any of the first 15 days on which the House is sitting after the report is completed (five years after the day on which section 139.2 comes into force and every five years after that). Section 139.2 came into force on January 1, 2021.
Canada Labour Code
R.S., 1985, c. L-2, s.139.2(2)