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Behind the Scenes: The House of Commons Administration

Building on the Past to Shape the Future

Taking inspiration from the venerable buildings of the Parliamentary Precinct, employees of the House of Commons Administration take great pride in their role of supporting the work of parliamentarians as they oversee the governance of our country. Employees work in traditional and diverse roles, combining a respect for past accomplishments with preparation for the future.


The professional support provided by the House Administration falls into six areas: Procedural Services; the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Information Services; Parliamentary Precinct Services; Finance Services; and Human Resources, Corporate Planning and Communications Services.

The House Administration staff is accountable to the Clerk of the House of Commons, who reports to the Speaker and serves as Secretary to the Board of Internal Economy. The Board governs the House Administration. Chaired by the Speaker, it is composed of Members from all recognized political parties and is responsible for all matters of financial and administrative policy that affect the House of Commons.

Photo of the Board of Internal Economy

Members of the Board of Internal Economy

Standing from left to right: Mr. Marcel Proulx, M.P., Deputy Opposition Whip; Mr. Jacques Gourde, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services and to the Minister of National Revenue; Hon. Gordon O'Connor, M.P., Minister of State; Hon. Mauril Bélanger, M.P. (Lib); Hon. Jay Hill, M.P., Leader of the Government in the House of Commons; Mr. Joe Preston, M.P. (CPC); Mr. Michel Guimond, M.P., Whip of the Bloc Québécois.

Sitting from left to right: Ms. Audrey O'Brien, Clerk of the House of Commons; Hon. Peter Milliken, M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons; Ms. Libby Davies, M.P., House Leader of the New Democratic Party. Photo: © House of Commons/ Bernard Thibodeau

Photo: © House of Commons/ Bernard Thibodeau


House of Commons Administration Organization Chart

House of Commons Administration Organization Chart


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