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The long-term renovation program for the Parliamentary Precinct affords a unique opportunity for the Senate, House of Commons and Library of Parliament, as well as Public Works and Government Services Canada, to shape the future of the "home" of the democratic process in Canada.

Building the Future: House of Commons Requirements for the Parliamentary Precinct is based on a full assessment of Members’ four lines of business — Chamber, Caucus, Committee and Constituency. Over the past six months, our staff has carefully reviewed past planning studies, consulted with Members and taken advantage of in-house expertise to determine requirements pertaining to buildings, grounds and services. The research and advice provided has enabled us to identify and portray physical requirements that will ensure Members can continue to serve Canadians effectively in an open and accessible environment.

During the last five years, the House of Commons has developed the expertise and laid the groundwork required to realize the full potential of the long-term renovation initiative. Specifically, we have implemented comprehensive, goal-oriented plans for such critical Precinct-wide services as information technology and security in collaboration with the Senate, Library of Parliament, and Public Works and Government Services Canada.

In addition to the specific requirements of the House of Commons, this document presents a strong vision for the Precinct — trusting that it will assist the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada in the formulation of a long-term plan for the renovation and development of the Parliament Buildings. We are confident that our combined efforts will enhance and preserve the legacy of the heritage captured in the architecture and landscape of the Parliamentary Precinct.

Gilbert Parent
Speaker of the House of Commons

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