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Appendix B: Bibliography

Architectural Research Group of Ottawa. Planning Canada’s Capital. Ottawa: The Evening Citizen, 1946.

Arnoldi, J.R. Correspondence. Ottawa, National Archives. RG11, Series B1(b), Subject Registers, 1859-1879.

Beauchesne, A. Memorandum for His Honour The Speaker re Congested Quarters Occupied by the Staff of the House of Commons, to Rodolphe Lemieux, Speaker of the House of Commons, January 16, 1930.

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Bejermi, John. How Parliament Works. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1996.

Blumenfeld, Hans. "National Capital Plan Glories and Miseries of a Master Plan." Architecture Canada 4,67 (April 1967), pp. 32-35.

Bosley, J. Research paper for the Commission to Review Salaries of Members of Parliament. To James McGrath.

Bowie, H.W. Statement Showing the Number of Rooms Occupied by Two or More Members […]. Ottawa, January 21, 1921, National Archives, RG11, v.2658, f.1575-25A9.

Brower, Edward Julien. Parliamentary Committees in the Canadian Federal Government. Ottawa: n.p., 1950.

Bureau, Joseph. Hand Book to the Parliamentary and Departmental Buildings, Canada: with Plans of the Buildings Indicating the Several Offices and the Names of the Officials Occupying them, Together with a Plan of the City, and a Short Sketch of the Valley of the Ottawa and Every Object of Interest in the Neighbourhood: also Lists of Members of the Privy Council, local Governments, Senators, Members of the House of Commons and local Legislatures, etc. Ottawa: G. E. Desbarats, 1868.

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Canada. Department of Public Works. Parliament Buildings Ottawa: Plan of Ground Floor, 1910, National Archives, NMC51465.

———. Victoria Museum, Ottawa: Plan of the House of Commons Showing Seating, 1916, National Archives, RG11, v.2649, f.1551-44.

———. West Block Plans/Plans de l’Immeuble de l’Ouest, second and third floor, 1963.

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———. The Parliamentary Precinct Area: Urban Design Guidelines and Demonstration Plan for Long Range Development. Ottawa: National Capital Commission, 1987.

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———. Report of the Audit of the House of Commons Administration. Ottawa: Auditor General of Canada, 1991.

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———. Report on the Follow-up of the 1980 Comprehensive Audit of the House of Commons. Ottawa: Auditor General of Canada, 1983.

———. Report to the Senate and the House of Commons on Matters of Joint Interest: Annex, Detailed Report. Ottawa: The Office, 1992.

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———. Report to the Ottawa Improvement Commissioners. Ottawa: n.p., 1904.

———. Special Report of the Ottawa Improvement Commission from Its Inception in 1899 to March 31st, 1912. Ottawa: n.p., 1913.

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———. Parliamentary Precinct: Technology Infrastructures Principles. N.p., n.p., 1998.

———. Performance Report. Ottawa: House of Commons, 1998.

———. Submission to Commission to Review Salaries of Members of Parliament and Senators. Ottawa: House of Commons, 1985.

———. Administration. Performance Report — April 1997 to September 1998. N.p., n.p., 1998.

———. Committees and Private Legislation Directorate. Committees of the House of Commons of Canada: Practical Guide. Ottawa: Committees and Private Legislation Directorate, 1985.

———. Human Resources. House of Commons, Organization Chart/Chambre des communes, organigramme. Ottawa: House of Commons, Human Resources, 1991.

———. Information Systems. Recent Technology Innovations. N.p., n.p., 1999.

———. Information Systems Directorate. Charter: Parliamentary Precinct Information Technology Program. N.p., n.p., 1999.

———. Information Systems Planning. 1995/96 Annual Information Systems Report: Recent activities and strategic priorities. N.p., n.p., 1995.

———. Office of the Comptroller General. Professional Development for Information Technology Audit. N.p., n.p., 1989.

———. Private Members’ Business Office. Private Members’ Business: A Practical Guide. Ottawa: House of Commons, Private Members’ Business Office, 1997.

———. Program Evaluation and Review. Audit of Informatics — Executive Summary. N.p., n.p., 1997.

———. Program Evaluation and Review. Audit of Informatics — Final Report. N.p., n.p., 1997.

———. Special Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons. Report of the Special Committee on Reform of the House of Commons. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer for Canada, 1985.

———. Special Committee on TV and Radio Broadcasting of Proceedings of the House and its Committees. Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Special Committee on TV and Radio Broadcasting of Proceedings of the House and its Committees/ Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité spécial de la radio-télédiffusion des délibérations de la Chambre et de ses comités. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer for Canada, 1978.

———. Table Research Branch. Privilege in the Modern Context. Ottawa: House of Commons, Table Research Branch, 1990.

———. Task Force on the Handling and Transit of Goods and Assets. Room Report — May 1997: The Nightmare before Christmas: Getting a Room on Parliament Hill. N.p., n.p., May 1997.

———. Task Force on the Handling and Transit of Goods and Assets. Preliminary Report, June 21, 1996: The Bear is Dancing! N.p., n.p., 1996.

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———. Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Federal District Commission. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer for Canada, 1956.

Canada. Parliament. Joint Committee on Location of the Seat of Government in the City of Ottawa. Proceedings of the Committee … Appointed to Review the Special Problems Arising out of the Location of the Seat of Government in the City of Ottawa and to Report on the Relations Between the Federal Government and Municipal Authorities … and the Relative Responsibilities in Respect to such Problems. Ottawa: ing’s Printer for Canada, 1944.

Canada. Parliament. Library of Parliament. Information and Reference Branch. Documents Relevant to the Construction of the Parliament Buildings Extracted form the Annual Reports of the Department of Public Works: Sessional Papers. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Information and Reference Branch, 1985.

Canada. Parliament. Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada (1970-1972). Final Report. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer for Canada, 1972.

———. Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada/Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité spécial mixte du Sénat et de la Chambre des communes sur la Constitution du Canada. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer for Canada, 1972.

Canada. Public Works and Government Services Canada. Preserving the Hill: A Progress Report Prepared for The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Works and Government Services on the Restoration and Renovation of the Parliamentary Precinct. Ottawa: n.p., September 1998.

———. Accommodation Branch. To the 21st Century: A Construction Program for the Parliamentary Precinct. N.p., n.p., 1991.

———. Accommodation Branch. To the 21st Century: A Construction Program for the Parliamentary Precinct; 1990/91-1999/2000. N.p., n.p., 1992.

———. Parliamentary Precinct Directorate. House of Commons Accommodation Plan. N.p., n.p., 1993.

Canada. Service d’aménagement de la capitale nationale. Projet d’aménagement de la capitale nationale … Ottawa: Imprimeur du roi pour le Canada, 1950.

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———. "Planning Organic Cities to Obviate Congestion: Orbiting Traffic by Hexagonal Planning and Intercepters." Annals of the American Academy 133 (September 1927), pp. 241-246.

Christian, William. Political Parties and Ideologies in Canada. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1990.

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———. The Landscape of Parliament Hill: A History and Inventory: Submitted to Architectural and Engineering Services, National Capital Region, Public Works Canada. Perth: Commonwealth Historic Resource Management, 1991.

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Eggleston, Wilfrid. The Queen’s Choice: A Story of Canada’s Capital. Ottawa: n.p., 1961.

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Engelmann, Frederick C. Canadian Political Parties: Origin, Character, Impact. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall of Canada, 1975.

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Fraser, A. Draft Letter for Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. To Arthur Laing, Ottawa, 1969.

Fraser, John A. The House of Commons at Work. Montréal: Les Éditions de la Chenelière, 1993.

Gaito, Daniel Norman. The Glory of Exuberance: A Study of the Buildings on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Toronto: n.p., 1971.

Gibbons, W.J.L. Canada’s Parliament. Ottawa: Traveltime Canada, 1987.

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Kingsley, Jean-Pierre. Letter. to the Director General of Parliamentary Precinct, PWGSC, Ottawa, November 6, 1998.

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Maingot, Joseph. Parliamentary Privilege in Canada. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997.

Nobbs, Perey E. "Planning for Sunlight." Journal of the Town Planning Institute 1,9 (April 1922), pp. 67.

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