RNNR Committee Report
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In accordance with its Order of Reference of Tuesday, October 17, 2023, your committee has considered Bill C-49, An Act to amend the Canada—Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, and agreed on [day], [date], to report it with the following amendments: Clause 38 That Bill C-49, in Clause 38, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 27 on page 21 with the following: “(b) the selection is made on the basis of the criteria” That Bill C-49, in Clause 38, be amended by adding after line 19 on page 25 the following: “(c) during the submerged land licence issuance process, importance shall be given to the consideration of effects on fishing activities.” Clause 47 That Bill C-49, in Clause 47, be amended by adding after line 11 on page 32 the following: “(6.1) Section 119 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (9):” Clause 62 That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended (a) by replacing line 35 on page 36 with the following: “62 (1) Section 138.01 of the Act is re-” (b) by deleting lines 22 to 25 on page 37; (c) by adding after line 10 on page 38 the following: “(2) Subsection 138.01(3) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (d): (e) conditions established under the Impact Assessment Act, including those established under section 64 of that Act or by regulations made under paragraph 112(1)(a.2) of that Act; and” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 14 on page 37 with the following: “tions required by the Regulator or prescribed, includ-” New Clause 62.1 That Bill C-49 be amended by adding before line 11 on page 38 the following: “62.1 The Act is amended by adding the following after the heading “Impact Assessment” after section 138.01:” Clause 62 That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 6 on page 39 with the following: “(2) The Regulator shall, on the Agency’s request made under subsection 13(2) of the Impact Assessment Act, engage” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 14 on page 39 with the following: “137.01 faisant l’objet d’un avis affiché au titre du para-” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 22 on page 40 with the following: “within the period specified by the Agency or review panel under” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 27 on page 40 with the following: “review panel is to make recommendations respecting a des-” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 31 on page 40 with the following: “suivi ou un plan de gestion adaptatif, la Régie fournit à” New Clause 62.2 That Bill C-49 be amended by adding after line 34 on page 40 the following: “62.2 Section 138.02 of the Act is replaced by the following:” Clause 62 That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 39 on page 40 with the following: “knowledge that the authority possesses and that the Regula-” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 1 on page 42 with the following: “138.019 La Régie fournit à l’Agence canadienne d’évalua-” That Bill C-49, in Clause 62, be amended by replacing line 3 on page 42 with the following: “within the period specified by the Agency or committee under section 100 of the Im-” Clause 76 That Bill C-49, in Clause 76, be amended by replacing line 36 on page 52 to line 3 on page 53 with the following: “(4) The Regulator and the appropriate authority may approve the unit agreement if all the royalty owners and all the working interest owners in the transboundary pool are parties to it; the Regulator and the appropriate authority may approve the unit operating agreement if all the working interest owners in the transboundary pool are parties to it.” That Bill C-49, in Clause 76, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 23 on page 57 with the following: “sons ensure that the Regulator and the appropriate au-” Clause 137 That Bill C-49, in Clause 137, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 18 on page 95 with the following: “der an Act of Parliament as an area for environmental” Clause 147 That Bill C-49, in Clause 147, be amended by adding after line 27 on page 107 the following: “(c) during the submerged land licence issuance process, importance shall be given to the consideration of effects on fishing activities.” Clause 156 That Bill C-49, in Clause 156, be amended by adding after line 17 on page 114 the following: “(6.1) Section 122 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (9):” Clause 170 That Bill C-49, in Clause 170, be amended (a) by replacing lines 15 and 16 on page 118 with the following: “170 (1) The Act is amended by adding the following after section 142.01:” (b) by deleting lines 1 to 4 on page 119; (c) by adding after line 22 on page 119 the following: “(2) Subsection 142.011(3) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (d): (e) conditions established under the Impact Assessment Act, including those established under section 64 of that Act or by regulations made under paragraph 112(1)(a.2) of that Act; and” New Clause 170.1 That Bill C-49 be amended by adding before line 23 on page 119 the following: “170.1 The Act is amended by adding the following after the heading “Impact Assessment” after section 142.011:” Clause 170 That Bill C-49, in Clause 170, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 41 on page 121 with the following: “review panel is to make recommendations respecting a” That Bill C-49, in Clause 170, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 5 on page 122 with the following: “suivi ou un plan de gestion adaptatif, la Régie fournit à” New Clause 170.2 That Bill C-49 be amended by adding after line 7 on page 122 the following: “170.2 Sections 142.02 and 142.03 of the Act are replaced by the following:” Clause 170 That Bill C-49, in Clause 170, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 17 on page 123 with the following: “lai précisé en vertu de l’article 100 de la Loi sur” Clause 185 That Bill C-49, in Clause 185, be amended by replacing lines 31 to 36 on page 134 with the following: “(4) The Regulator and the appropriate authority may approve the unit agreement if all the royalty owners and all the working interest owners in the transboundary pool are parties to it; the Regulator and the appropriate authority may approve the unit operating agreement if all the working interest owners in the transboundary pool are parties to it.” That Bill C-49, in Clause 185, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 21 on page 139 with the following: “sons ensure that the Regulator and the appropriate au-” Clause 220 That Bill C-49, in Clause 220, be amended by (a) replacing line 14 on page 175 with the following: “of the other Act and section 170.1 of this Act are in” (b) replacing line 10 on page 179 with the following: “of the other Act and section 62.1 of this Act are in” (c) replacing line 31 on page 179 with the following: “the other Act and section 170.1 of this Act are in” (d) replacing line 33 on page 180 with the following: “the other Act and section 62.1 of this Act are in” Clause 221 That Bill C-49, in Clause 221, be amended by (a) replacing line 1 on page 182 with the following: “221 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (6), the” (b) replacing line 5 on page 182 with the following: “(2) Sections 2, 3 and 210 to 213, paragraphs 214(1)(a) to (e) and (g) to (i), subsection 214(2) and paragraphs 215(a) and (c) come into force on” (c) adding after line 7 on page 182 the following: “(2.1) Subsections 47(6.1), 61(2) and 62(2) and section 62.1 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, but that day must not be before the day on which both subsection 62(1) and section 62.2 are in force.” (d) replacing line 8 on page 182 with the following: “(3) Sections 108 and 109 and paragraphs 216(1)(a) to (e) and (g) and (h), subsection 216(2) and paragraphs 217(a), (b) and (d) come into force” (e) adding after line 10 on page 182 the following: “(4) Subsections 156(6.1), 169(2) and 170(2) and section 170.1 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, but that day must not be before the day on which both subsection 170(1) and section 170.2 are in force. (5) Paragraphs 214(1)(f) and 215(b) come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, but that day must not be before the day on which section 2, subsection 62(1) and section 62.2 are all in force. (6) Paragraphs 216(1)(f) and 217(c) come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, but that day must not be before the day on which section 108, subsection 170(1) and section 170.2 are all in force.” |
Your committee has ordered a reprint of Bill C-49, as amended, as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at the report stage. |
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 81 to 92) is tabled. |