JUST Committee Report
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In accordance with its Order of Reference of Wednesday, February 7, 2024, your committee has considered Bill C-332, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (controlling or coercive conduct), and agreed on Monday, March 18, 2024, to report it with the following amendments: Title That Bill C-332 be amended by replacing the long title on page 1 with the following: “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (coercive control of intimate partner)” New Clause 0.1 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding before line 4 on page 1 the following: “0.1 Paragraph 109(1)(b) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: (b) an offence under subsection 85(1) (using firearm in commission of offence), 85(2) (using imitation firearm in commission of offence), 95(1) (possession of prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition), 99(1) (weapons trafficking), 100(1) (possession for purpose of weapons trafficking), 102(1) (making automatic firearm), 102.1(1) (possession of computer data), 102.1(2) (distribution of computer data), 103(1) (importing or exporting knowing it is unauthorized) or 104.1(1) (altering cartridge magazine) or section 264 (criminal harassment) or 264.01 (coercive control of intimate partner),” Clause 1 That Bill C-332, in Clause 1, be amended by replacing line 6 on page 1 to line 6 on page 3 with the following: “264.01 (1) Everyone commits an offence who engages in a pattern of conduct referred to in subsection (2) (a) with intent to cause their intimate partner to believe that the intimate partner’s safety is threatened; or (b) being reckless as to whether that pattern could cause their intimate partner to believe that the intimate partner’s safety is threatened. (2) A pattern of conduct consists of any combination, or any repeated instances, of any of the following acts: (a) using, attempting to use or threatening to use violence against (i) the intimate partner, (ii) any person under the age of 18 who is the intimate partner’s child or who is in the intimate partner’s lawful care or charge, (iii) any other person known to the intimate partner, or (iv) any animal that is in the care or is the property of the intimate partner; (b) coercing or attempting to coerce the intimate partner to engage in sexual activity; (c) engaging in any other conduct — including conduct listed in any of the following subparagraphs — if, in all the circumstances, the conduct could reasonably be expected to cause the intimate partner to believe that the intimate partner’s safety, or the safety of a person known to them, is threatened: (i) controlling, attempting to control or monitoring the intimate partner’s actions, movements or social interactions, including by a means of telecommunication, (ii) controlling or attempting to control the manner in which the intimate partner cares for any person under the age of 18 referred to in subparagraph (a)(ii) or any animal referred to in subparagraph (a)(iv), (iii) controlling or attempting to control any matter related to the intimate partner’s employment or education, (iv) controlling or attempting to control the intimate partner’s finances or other property or monitoring their finances, (v) controlling or attempting to control the intimate partner’s expression of gender, physical appearance, manner of dress, diet, taking of medication or access to health services or to medication, (vi) controlling or attempting to control the intimate partner’s expression of their thoughts, their opinions, their religious, spiritual or other beliefs, or their culture, including the intimate partner’s use of their language or their access to their linguistic, religious, spiritual or cultural community, (vii) threatening to die by suicide or to self-harm. (3) The circumstances referred to in paragraph (2)(c) include the nature of the relationship between the accused and the intimate partner, in particular whether the intimate partner is in a position of vulnerability in relation to the accused. (4) Everyone who commits an offence under this section is (a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or (b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. (5) For the purposes of this section, and for greater certainty, a person’s safety includes their psychological safety.” New Clause 2 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “2 Subsection 486.3(2) of the Act is replaced by the following: (2) In any proceedings against an accused in respect of an offence under any of sections 264, 264.01, 271, 272 and 273, the judge or justice shall, on application of the prosecutor in respect of a witness who is a victim, or on application of such a witness, order that the accused not personally cross-examine the witness, unless the judge or justice is of the opinion that the proper administration of justice requires the accused to personally conduct the cross-examination. If such an order is made, the judge or justice shall appoint counsel to conduct the cross-examination.” New Clause 3 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “3 Paragraph (c) of the definition secondary designated offence in section 487.04 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (v): (v.1) section 264.01 (coercive control of intimate partner),” New Clause 4 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “4 Paragraph (a) of the definition secondary offence in subsection 490.011(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (ix): (ix.1) section 264.01 (coercive control of intimate partner),” New Clause 5 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “5 (1) Subsection 515(4.1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (b): (b.01) an offence under section 264.01 (coercive control of intimate partner), (2) Paragraph 515(4.3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) an offence described in section 264, 264.01 or 423.1 or subsection 423.2(1);” New Clause 6 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “Consequential Amendments R.S., c. E-15 Excise Tax Act 6 Clause 295(5.04)(a)(i)(D) of the Excise Tax Act is replaced by the following: (D) sections 144, 264, 264.01, 271, 279, 279.02, 281 and 333.1, paragraphs 334(a) and 348(1)(e) and sections 349, 435 and 462.31 of the Criminal Code,” New Clause 7 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “R.S., c. N-5 National Defence Act 7 Subsection 183.3(2) of the National Defence Act is replaced by the following: (2) In proceedings against an accused person in respect of an offence punishable under section 130 that is an offence under section 264, 264.01, 271, 272 or 273 of the Criminal Code, a military judge shall, on application of the prosecutor in respect of a witness who is a victim, or on application of such a witness, order that the accused person not personally cross-examine the witness, unless the military judge is of the opinion that the proper administration of military justice requires the accused person to personally conduct the cross-examination. If such an order is made, the military judge shall direct the Director of Defence Counsel Services to provide counsel to conduct the cross-examination.” New Clause 8 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.) Income Tax Act 8 Clause 241(9.5)(a)(i)(D) of the Income Tax Act is replaced by the following: (D) sections 144, 264, 264.01, 271, 279, 279.02, 281 and 333.1, paragraphs 334(a) and 348(1)(e) and sections 349, 435 and 462.31 of the Criminal Code,” New Clause 9 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “1995, c. 39 Firearms Act 9 Subparagraph 5(2)(a)(iii) of the Firearms Act is replaced by the following: (iii) an offence under section 264 (criminal harassment) or 264.01 (coercive control of intimate partner) of the Criminal Code,” New Clause 10 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “2002, c. 22 Excise Act, 2001 10 Clause 211(6.4)(a)(i)(D) of the Excise Act, 2001 is replaced by the following: (D) sections 144, 264, 264.01, 271, 279, 279.02, 281 and 333.1, paragraphs 334(a) and 348(1)(e) and sections 349, 435 and 462.31 of the Criminal Code,” New Clause 11 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “Coordinating Amendment 11 On the first day on which both subsection 13.3(1) of An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms), chapter 32 of the Statutes of Canada, 2023, and subsection 5(1) of this Act are in force, subsection 515(4.1) of the French version of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: (4.1) Lorsqu’il rend une ordonnance en vertu du paragraphe (2) dans le cas d’une infraction perpétrée avec usage, tentative ou menace de violence contre autrui, d’une infraction de terrorisme, de l’infraction visée aux articles 264 (harcèlement criminel), 264.01 (contrôle coercitif d’un partenaire intime) ou 423.1 (intimidation d’une personne associée au système judiciaire) ou au paragraphe 423.2(1) (intimidation — services de santé), d’une infraction à l’un des articles 9 à 14 de la Loi sur le cannabis, d’une infraction à l’un des articles 5 à 7 de la Loi réglementant certaines drogues et autres substances, d’une infraction relative à une arme à feu, une arbalète, une arme prohibée, une arme à autorisation restreinte, un dispositif prohibé, une pièce d’arme à feu, des munitions, des munitions prohibées ou des substances explosives, d’une infraction visée au paragraphe 20(1) de la Loi sur la protection de l’information, ou d’une infraction visée aux paragraphes 21(1) ou 22(1) ou à l’article 23 de cette loi commise à l’égard d’une infraction visée au paragraphe 20(1) de cette loi, le juge de paix doit, s’il en arrive à la conclusion qu’il est souhaitable de le faire pour la sécurité du prévenu, de la victime ou de toute autre personne, assortir l’ordonnance d’une condition lui interdisant, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit jugé conformément à la loi, d’avoir en sa possession de tels objets ou l’un ou plusieurs de ceux-ci.” New Clause 12 That Bill C-332 be amended by adding after line 6 on page 3 the following: “Coming into Force 12 Sections 0.1 to 10 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.” |
Your committee has ordered a reprint of Bill C-332, as amended, as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at the report stage. |
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 95 to 98) is tabled. |