It was agreed, — That the Fifth report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure, which reads as follows, be concurred in:
Notwithstanding the Committee’s concurrence in the fourth report of its Subcommittee on December 13, 2006, the Subcommittee recommends that the Committee undertake the following work with priority given as suggested by their order:
completion of a report of the study of the Canadian Forces missions in Afghanistan;
a study of the evolving relationship between NORAD and NORTHCOM; and
a focused study on a single aspect affecting the quality of life for members of the Canadian Forces and their families.
The Subcommittee recommends that the Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff be invited to appear at the earliest opportunity to respond to issues concerning the handling of detainees by the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan.
Further, the Subcommittee recommends that the Committee request the inclusion of detail on the Canadian Forces’ work on development and reconstruction in Afghanistan, such as photographs of such works with specific locations and the dates of their completion, in the briefings given by National Defence Headquarters pursuant to the Committee’s motions adopted November 1st, 2006, and February 1st, 2007.