Art Eggleton moved, —
That the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
Concerned about the ongoing tensions along the Eritrea-Ethiopian Border which jeopardize the tenuous peace reached with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on December 12, 2000 in Algiers;
Welcoming the recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, created by Article 4.2 of the Algiers Agreement, to demarcate the disputed border between the two countries;
Mindful that following Article 4.5 of the Algiers Agreement, the recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission are binding on both parties of the conflict and are final;
Accepting the April 13, 2002 decision of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission to grant the disputed town of Badme to Eritrea;
Aware of the controversial nature of the Badme decision and the catalyst role of this settlement in the initiation of hostilities between Ethiopia and Eritrea;
Alarmed over Ethiopian failure to fully comply with, and accept, the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission’s recommendations, especially with regards to the town of Badme;
Troubled by the findings of the United Nations Secretary-General on Ethiopia and Eritrea, in the September 4, 2003 Progress Report, that the number of border incidents in Sector Centre is increasing, including the growth in the numbers of Ethiopian herdsmen and livestock present in the Zone on the daily basis;
Disturbed by the September 5, 2003 report of the United Nations Secretary-General with regards to the pointing of weapons by Ethiopian militia at United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) patrols on August 5 and the violation of the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities in the Drum Drum Stream area of the Zone by 102 personnel from the Ethiopian Armed Forces on August 9-11, who refused to leave the area despite UNMEE protests;
Appreciative of the leadership role that Canada has played in the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), including the deployment of 450 Canadian peacekeepers to the region at the cessation of hostilities;
Calls on the Government of Canada to increase the pressure on the Government of Ethiopia to accept, in full, the recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, including the decision on the town of Badme,
Proposes that the Government of Canada forcefully indicate to the Government of Ethiopia that our future cooperation, would heavily depend on Ethiopia’s acquiescence to the recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission;
Suggests that the Government of Canada offer incentives, in terms of developmental aid or/and other assistance to the Governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea, if they live up to their obligations under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Algiers, especially with regards to the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission provisions.
Debate arose thereon.