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FAAE Committee Report

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That the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development:

1. Extends its condolences to all the victims of violence and war in Sri Lanka;

2. Condemns the recent violence targeting Muslims in Sri Lanka and calls on the government of Sri Lanka to increase efforts to combat hate and extremism, while respecting fundamental human rights;

3. Calls on the government of Sri Lanka to promote justice for those affected by the Easter Sunday attacks, protect the rights of religious minorities, and defend all places of worship;

4. Reaffirms Canada’s call for Sri Lanka to implement its obligations within a clearly specified time frame, as mandated under the UN Human Rights Council Resolutions 30/1 and 40/1; and re-affirms Canada’s support in advancing accountability, peace, and reconciliation among all peoples on the island;

5. Calls upon the United Nations to establish an international, independent investigation into allegations of genocide against Tamils committed in Sri Lanka, including the last phase of the armed conflict in 2009;

6. Report this motion to the House and, pursuant to Standing Order 109, request that the government table a comprehensive response to this Report.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings(Meeting No. 150) is tabled.