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Petition to the Government of Canada

  • Over 150 anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centres” (CPCs) in Canada work to dissuade pregnant people from having abortions via medical misinformation and emotional manipulation;
  • CPCs engage in deception by pretending to be legitimate, professional agencies that help people with accurate information on all their options, when most are Christian ministries that are biased against abortion;
  • CPCs often create deceptive websites and other materials that enable them to lure in unsuspecting clients and funders, infiltrate public schools to teach sexual health education, recruit practicum students from public universities, and get on referral lists at real medical clinics and social service agencies; and
  • Over 90% of CPCs have charitable status despite contravening charity guidelines and requirements as set out by the Canada Revenue Agency because they engage in biased and dishonest counselling.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Pass a motion in Parliament that condemns the deceptive and manipulative tactics of anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centres,” including the medical misinformation they provide to clients; and
2. Fulfill its prior commitment to make CPCs ineligible for charitable status due to the false and misleading information they provide to vulnerable clients.

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