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e-4489 (Justice)

Initiated by Marianne Murray from St. Catharines, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

  • The shocking recent transfer of Canada's most notorious criminal Paul Bernardo, from maximum to medium security imprisonment, shines a light clearly onto ineffective legislation of the Dangerous Offenders Designation in Canada;
  • The Constitutional Act, 1867 provides the federal government exclusive lawmaking power over criminal law and criminal process; and
  • It is the government's responsibility to ensure that Canadians are safe from dangerous criminals.
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to review Dangerous Offenders Designation Law for the following reasons:
- Dangerous Offenders Designation is reserved for Canada's most violent criminals and sexual predators;
- Current Criminal Code legislation lays out the terms for application of Dangerous Offenders application, by the courts, at or shortly after convictions on serious criminal charges;
- Current legislation does not provide terms for having Dangerous Offenders Designation removed or a court ordered termination;
- Current legislation does not consider parole applications or applications for corrections services privileges, prior to the removal of judge ordered Dangerous Offenders Designations, resulting in offenders applying for parole and/or privileges under the Correctional Services Canada on the original offences, without judicial review of the Dangerous Offenders Designation, in order to show it is warranted;
- Dangerous Offenders Designation should supersede the original offences and convictions, and as such corrections and parole board should have secondary discretion to the jurisdiction of the courts; and
- For the safety of Canadians, consideration should also be given to ensure that dangerous offenders are sentenced to imprisonment in maximum security institutions until such time as the dangerous order is judicially removed.
Open for signature
July 14, 2023, at 2:19 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
September 12, 2023, at 2:19 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Melissa Lantsman
Conservative Caucus