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e-3400 (Foreign affairs)

Initiated by Roger Clark from Ottawa, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Prime Minister

  • Canadian citizen Hassan Diab was extradited to France in 2014, in a case widely acknowledged as a miscarriage of justice;
  • Hassan’s extradition was based on a discredited handwriting analysis (“Bisotti report”), described by the extradition judge as “very problematic” and “suspect”;
  • There is significant evidence which exculpates Hassan, including exculpatory fingerprint and palmprint evidence;
  • Hassan was held in France, without charge, mostly in solitary confinement, from 2014 to 2018;
  • French investigating judges found “consistent evidence” supporting Hassan’s innocence, concluded that he could not have been in France at the time of the 1980 bombing, and ordered his release;
  • The French prosecutor appealed the Order of Dismissal against Hassan, and a new handwriting analysis was ordered;
  • The new analysis agreed with defense handwriting experts that the Bisotti report used an improper methodology and is unreliable;
  • Despite all evidence, in January 2021, a French Court of Appeal overturned Hassan’s release and ordered a trial;
  • Aggressive lobbying in France has fostered political pressure for further prosecution and scapegoating of Hassan; and
  • On 20 June 2018, PM Trudeau declared that “we have to recognise that what happened to [Hassan] never should have happened… and make sure that it never happens again.”
We, the undersigned, citizens or residents of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to give immediate assurances to Hassan Diab that Canada will not accept nor accede to a second request for his extradition, and will urge France to put an immediate end to this continuing miscarriage of justice.
Open for signature
May 10, 2021, at 6:22 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
July 9, 2021, at 6:22 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Don Davies
Vancouver Kingsway
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia