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e-2525 (Environment)

Initiated by Victor Brice from Nanaimo, British Columbia

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

  • 80% of fossil fuel reserves are currently being exploited globally;
  • These reserves need to remain in the ground in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius warming threshold and prevent catastrophic climate change;
  • To lower our greenhouse gas emissions, we must transition away from our fossil fuel dependency;
  • Countries must immediately stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure heavily subsidizing the sector and offering stimulus packages to oil and gas companies;
  • In Canada, the federal and provincial governments spend billions of dollars of Canadian taxpayers’ money to continue to prop up the fossil fuel sector;
  • The latest cost estimate of the TMX pipeline totals $12.6 billion;
  • The government subsidizes the fossil fuel sector with $3.3 billion on an annual basis;
  • This subsidy not only impedes the transition towards a fossil fuel-free future, but also negates the purpose of the carbon tax; and
  • Canada’s current climate targets were set by the Harper government in 2015 and it is approximately half of what must be done to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to:
1. Update Canada’s climate action targets to reflect science and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2018 report;
2. Eliminate all subsidies to the fossil fuel industry;
3. Invest in a just transition for oil and gas workers;
4. Cease from purchasing, subsidizing or supporting any future fossil fuel infrastructure; and
5. Invest in clean, renewable energy and/or other climate, and socially conscious investment opportunities.

Response by the Minister of Seniors

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): IREK KUSMIERCZYK

Canada’s energy sector is one of significant importance to both the Canadian economy and labour market. In 2018, Canada’s energy sector accounted for 10.6% of GDP; directly employed more than 281,000 people, including over 169,000 in the oil and gas sector; and indirectly employed over 550,000 people. Energy industries are quickly evolving in response to policies combatting climate change, resulting in associated labour market disruptions and creating anxiety among workers and communities.


The Government committed to achieving a net-zero carbon emissions economy by 2050. The Government recognizes that the transition to a net-zero carbon emissions economy will have an impact on oil and gas sector workers, especially in regions of the country where the sector drives economic growth.

The Minister of Natural Resources was mandated, with the collaboration of the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, to ensure that workers and their communities will be aided in the transition to a low-carbon global economy through targeted investments, and services and programs to integrate workers and companies back into the labour market. To support the Government’s commitment to support a just transition for oil and gas workers and communities, the Task Force on Just Transition for Coal Power Workers and Communities was established in April 2018. The Task Force consulted extensively in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick and released their final report in March 2019, which included a suite of recommendations.

Through Budgets 2018 and 2019, the Government committed $185 million to support displaced oil and gas workers and communities impacted:

  • $35 million for skills development and employment activities (underway); and,
  • $150 million for community infrastructure projects to support economic diversification (underway).

The Government also has several programs in place to support workers through times of transition, through income support and in upskilling and reskilling as the labour market evolves. These programs aim to support displaced workers by strengthening their long-term labour attachment and build a more resilient Canadian labour force:

  • The main income support program in place is the Employment Insurance (EI) Program. EI regular benefits provide temporary income support to unemployed individuals who, through no fault of their own, become unemployed while they look for work or upgrade their skills.
  • Work-Sharingis another important tool that can be leveraged when sectors are facing specific challenges. Work-Sharing is an adjustment program, funded through the EI Operating Account, designed to help employers and employees avoid layoffs when there is a temporary reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. The program provides income support to employees eligible for EI benefits who work a temporarily-reduced work week while their employer recovers.

Beyond income support measures, the Government has several programs in place to support the upskilling and reskilling of workers, including underrepresented workers. These include:

  • Skills Boost aims to help workers adapt to the changing nature of work by providing enhanced student financial assistance and making use of Employment Insurance flexibilities targeted to working or unemployed Canadians looking to return to school to upgrade their skills.
  • Future Skills is an initiative dedicated to examining major trends that will have an impact on the economy; identifying the skills sought and required by Canadian employers; exploring new and innovative approaches to skills development; and sharing information and analysis to help inform future skills investments and programming.

Indigenous Peoples Programming 

Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program helps close the employment, skills and earnings gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, focusing on employment skills development and training for higher-quality jobs, rather than rapid employment.


Skills and Partnership Fund leverages service-delivery and business partnerships to support Indigenous training and participation in current and emerging economic opportunities by funding targeted projects in federally identified priority areas.


Youth Programming 

Student Work Placement Program gives post-secondary students across Canada paid work experience related to their field of study through partnerships with businesses and post-secondary education institutions. To encourage the development of skills required, the Government has made investments specifically for student work placements for young Canadians enrolled in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and business programs, as well as work-integrated learning opportunities in cyber security and artificial intelligence.


Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) helps young people between the ages of 15 and 30 gain the information, skills, job experience and abilities they need to make a successful transition to the workplace.

Provincial and Territorial Transfers

Each year, the Government of Canada provides provinces and territories (PTs) with approximately $3 billion in ongoing funding through the Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDAs) and the Workforce Development Agreements (WDAs). These agreements enable PT governments to offer a range of skills training and employment supports to help Canadians improve their skills, and find and keep good jobs. Under these agreements, PTs have the flexibility to design and deliver employment programming that meets the needs of their local labour markets.

Building on these existing supports, Employment and Social Development Canada is committed to working with partners and stakeholders, including other federal Government departments and levels of government to support a just transition for workers in the oil and gas sector.

Response by the Minister of Natural Resources

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Mr. Paul Lefebvre

The Government of Canada is committed to taking meaningful climate action, investing in clean energy and supporting workers and communities in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

3. Invest in a just transition for oil and gas workers

The Government of Canada is helping to lead an inclusive economic recovery and building a global low-carbon economy. This includes supporting workers and a commitment to leaving no community behind. That commitment is why, for example, the government recently invested up to $2.5 billion in the energy sector to reduce emissions and remediate inactive oil and gas wells. This is how the government is helping to drive innovation, enhance environmental performance, create jobs, and support Canada’s economic recovery in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to the pandemic, the Government of Canada also established the Task Force on a Just Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities to engage communities affected by the phase out of coal-fired electricity. Based on the Task Force’s recommendations, the government is investing $185 million in infrastructure, skills development and economic diversification initiatives in affected communities. 

As well, the Government of Canada continues to look at other innovative ways to support the skills and employment needs of workers and communities across the country.

5. Invest in clean, renewable energy and/or other climate, and socially conscious investment opportunities

Canada is a global leader in clean technology and energy innovation. In fact, Canada ranks fourth on the Global Cleantech Innovation Index, and has 12 companies on the 2020 Global Cleantech 100 List. Additionally, Canada is 7th among member countries of the International Energy Agency for public expenditures on energy research, development, and demonstration. All of this reflects Canada’s growing leadership on the international stage – including its five-year commitment through Mission Innovation to double federal funding for clean energy research and development to $775 million this year.

In all, the Government of Canada has committed $2.3 billion in clean technologies since 2016. This includes significant investments in clean and renewable energy through the Pan-Canadian Framework (PCF), such as:

  • $220 million to transition rural and remote communities from diesel-powered generation to clean electricity;
  • Over $300 million to support the demonstration and deployment of electric-vehicle and alternative-fuel infrastructure, including a coast-to-coast network of electric vehicle charging stations;
  • $200 million to support the deployment of emerging renewable energy technologies;
  • $100 million to fund research and development related to smart grids, storage and clean electricity technologies; and
  • $1 billion to increase energy efficiency in residential, commercial and multi-unit buildings and expand on existing programs that include the EnerGuide Rating System, the ENERGY STAR® program and the Energy Manager Program.
  • The creation of new Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles to make the purchase of these vehicles more affordable for Canadians.

Other important measures under the PCF include pricing carbon pollution, phasing out coal-fired electricity, introducing new building codes (Build Smart) and investing in the production and use of low-carbon fuels. Further information on investments being made under the PCF is available in the annual synthesis reports

In addition, the government has implemented numerous new programs and policies to leverage more private-sector investments. These initiatives include the Impact Canada Cleantech Challenges, the Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada initiative with the Bill Gates-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund, and the Clean Growth Program. These emission-reduction initiatives support promising demonstration projects, help to commercialize Canadian ingenuity and ensure the nation’s innovators can compete in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

As Canada takes its first steps toward a post-COVID-19 recovery, the government will take further action to build on all of these efforts to drive economic growth, combat a changing climate and ensure more inclusive prosperity.

Response by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson

1. Update Canada’s climate action targets to reflect science and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2018 report

In pursuit of efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the Government of Canada is committed to exceed Canada’s Paris Agreement 2030 emissions reduction goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Canada’s climate plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, adopted on December 9, 2016, is a comprehensive plan which includes both individual and joint federal, provincial, and territorial climate actions to reduce emissions, accelerate clean economic growth, and build resilience to the impacts of climate change. This plan was developed in collaboration with provinces and territories, and with input from Indigenous Peoples, businesses, civil society, and Canadians across the country.

The Pan-Canadian Framework outlines over 50 concrete measures to reduce carbon pollution, help us adapt and become more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate, foster clean technology solutions, and create good jobs that contribute to a stronger economy. Key measures in the Pan-Canadian Framework include:

  • federal regulations to phase out coal-fired electricity by 2030 and set performance regulations for natural-gas fired electricity;
  • working with provinces to put Canadian electricity generation on a path towards 90 percent non-emitting sources by 2030, while supporting workers and communities in the transition to a low-carbon economy;
  • implementing a Clean Fuel Standard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the lifecycle of fossil fuels used in transportation, buildings, and industry;
  • regulating methane emissions in the oil and gas sector;
  • developing “net-zero energy ready” building codes to be adopted by 2030 for new buildings;
  • establishing mandatory labeling of building energy use to provide businesses and consumers with information on energy performance, and setting new standards to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment;
  • increasing the stringency of emissions standards for light- and heavy-duty vehicles, and taking steps to improve efficiency and support fuel switching in the rail, aviation, marine, and off-road sectors;
  • adopting a Climate Lens to ensure that future climate impacts are considered and addressed in federally funded infrastructure projects; and
  • establishing a new Canadian Centre for Climate Services, giving Canadians better access to climate science and information.

The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of tackling climate change while growing the economy as a means of creating jobs and ensuring competitiveness. Since 2015, the Government of Canada has committed about $60 billion to reduce emissions, adapt to a changing climate, protect the environment, and support clean technology innovation and the transition to a clean growth economy. Commitments include:

  • more than $28 billion to support public transit, including over 1,211 transit projects approved;
  • $26.9 billion to support green infrastructure, including support for renewable energy, electric vehicle charging, natural gas and hydrogen refuelling stations, clean energy in rural and remote communities, and climate adaptation and resiliency initiatives (e.g., flood mitigation under the $2-billion Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund);
  • $3 billion to support the development, adoption, and scale-up of clean technologies;
  • over $2 billion to help cities and towns adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change, delivered through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (e.g., $75 million for the Municipal Climate Innovation Program, $50 million for the Municipal Asset Management Program, and over $1 billion in support for building energy efficiency investments);
  • $2 billion to generate clean growth and reduce carbon pollution from buildings, industries, forestry, and agriculture, by leveraging investment in projects through the Low Carbon Economy Fund;
  • the $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan to improve marine safety and responsible shipping;
  • $1.3 billion for nature conservation;
  • $300 million to provide Canadian drivers and businesses with purchase incentives for zero-emission vehicles;
  • over $64 million to help rural, remote, and Indigenous communities transition off diesel fuel;
  • $108 million to establish the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, which is improving access to trusted, useful, and timely climate information and data to support adaptation decision-making; and
  • over $100 million in targeted federal funding to support specific economic sectors (such as transportation, agriculture, and health) and communities, including Indigenous and northern communities (e.g., $52 million for the First Nations Adapt Program and $47 million for Climate Change Preparedness in the North).

Canada’s 2019 greenhouse gas emissions projections show a widespread decline in projected emissions across the economy reflecting the breadth and depth of the Pan-Canadian Framework. However, the science is clear, global emissions must reach carbon neutrality by 2050 to limit warming to 1.5°C. The Government of Canada recognizes these findings and agrees that more work is needed. As such, the Government of Canada is committed to implementing the Pan-Canadian Framework, while strengthening existing and introducing new climate actions to exceed Canada’s 2030 emission reduction target. The Government of Canada is also committed to putting Canada on a path to achieve a prosperous net-zero emissions future by 2050. This includes setting legally-binding five-year emission-reduction milestones based on the advice of experts and Canadians.

The Government of Canada recognizes that more action is needed. Additional new climate measures include:

  • working with businesses to make Canada the best place to start and grow a clean technology company;
  • completing all flood maps in Canada;
  • planting two billion incremental trees over the next 10 years as part of a broader commitment to nature-based solutions that also encompasses wetlands and urban forests; and
  • introducing a new ambitious plan to conserve 25 percent of Canada’s land and 25 percent of Canada’s oceans by 2025, working toward 30 percent of each by 2030. This plan will be grounded in science, Indigenous knowledge, and local perspectives.

The federal government will look to the advice of experts and consultations with Canadians to ensure the path to net-zero is sensitive to the needs of our country, grows the economy, and makes life more affordable. Achieving Canada’s climate goals will require nothing short of a transformation of the Canadian economy, with corresponding impacts on and opportunities for Canadian workers.

The Canadian economy is currently facing important challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The Government of Canada’s number one priority remains keeping Canadians safe and supporting families and businesses through this extraordinary time. To help Canadians and businesses, the Government of Canada has announced support through the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, which provides immediate help to Canadians and businesses that need it most.

The Government of Canada also recognizes that changes to our environment present a threat to our long-term health and economic prosperity. As such, the federal government announced that it will provide up to

$1.72 billion to clean up orphan and/or inactive oil and gas wells in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, creating and maintaining thousands of jobs and generating lasting environmental benefits. In addition, the Government of Canada will provide up to $750 million to create a new proposed Emissions Reduction Fund to reduce emissions in Canada’s oil and gas sector, with a focus on methane. This fund will provide primarily repayable contributions to conventional and offshore oil and gas firms to support their investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

In addition, climate conditions have been built into new financial support for businesses. On May 12, 2020, the Government of Canada announced support for large- and medium-sized businesses through the establishment of a Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility to provide bridge financing to Canada’s largest employers whose needs during the pandemic were not being met through conventional financing in order to keep their operations going. Recipient companies will be required to commit to publish annual climate-related disclosure reports consistent with the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, including how their future operations will support environmental sustainability and national climate goals.

As the economy recovers, the Government of Canada will continue effective, transparent, and efficient policy approaches to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, protect our environment, and position Canada for clean growth.


Response by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Chrystia Freeland

2. Eliminate all subsiies to the fossil fuel industry.

In 2009, Canada, as a member of the G20, committed to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies over the medium term.  Canada’s commitment was further strengthened on June 29, 2016, when North American Leaders committed to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.

In recent years, Canada has taken significant steps to phase out a number of corporate income tax preferences for the oil and gas and coal mining sectors, including:

Canada will continue to review measures that could be considered fossil fuel subsidies, with a view to reforming them as necessary.

4. Cease from purchasing, subsidizing or supporting any future fossil fuel infrastructure.

The environment and the economy go hand-in-hand. When we create prosperity today, we can invest in the clean jobs, technologies, and infrastructure of the future — and help Canadians benefit from opportunities presented by a rapidly changing economy.

The key to creating prosperity is finding new markets for our businesses to sell their products and services. Nowhere is the need to diversify greater than for our energy sector, where 99 per cent of our conventional resources are sold to one market — and often at large discounts. Canadians understand that we need to open up new international markets, in order to get a full and fair price, support workers and their families, and foster competitiveness.

The Government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain Corporation (TMC) and approval of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP) was based on the confidence that:

  • strong environmental protections have been and continue to be put in place, and that the effects of TMEP can be mitigated through conditions and recommendations outlined by the National Energy Board, as well as measures including the historic $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan and the national climate plan.
  • consultations with Indigenous peoples involved meaningful, two-way dialogue, which fulfilled the legal duty to consult and helped identify new accommodation measures and conditions to appropriately address potential impacts on Indigenous rights and concerns expressed by Indigenous communities.

On February 7, 2020, TMC announced that its Board of Directors had approved a total cost estimate of $12.6 billion to bring TMEP into service by the end of 2022. The Government is confident that the TMEP will generate a positive return for Canadians.

TMEP as it stands today is very different from the project that Kinder Morgan proposed in 2017. It has been designed to a higher standard for environmental protection, undergone rigorous consultation with Indigenous groups and will support union jobs in B.C. and Alberta. These enhancements have improved TMEP, ensured that construction proceeds in the right way, and that it will support the Canadian economy today and into the future.

The Government also announced that every dollar the federal government earns from TMEP will be invested in Canada’s clean energy transition. It is estimated that additional tax revenues from TMEP alone could generate $500 million per year once the project has been completed. This money will be invested in clean energy projects that will power our homes, businesses, and communities for generations to come.

In addition, the Government launched the second step of its engagement process with Indigenous groups on June 9, 2020, to explore the possibility of Indigenous economic participation in the Project.  In this step of the engagement process, the Government is focused on building consensus on the form of economic participation in the Project preferred by participating Indigenous groups: equity and/or revenue sharing; and identifying or supporting the formation of one or more entities to represent participating Indigenous groups in negotiations with Canada.

By moving forward with TMEP, the Government is creating jobs, diversifying markets, accelerating Canada’s clean energy transition, and opening up new avenues for Indigenous economic prosperity.

  1.  Invest in clean, renewable energy and/or other climate, and socially conscious investment opportunities.

Since Budget 2016, the Government has committed over $60 billion to support the transition to a clean economy – including:

  • $18.2 billion in green infrastructure over 12 years:
    • The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund - $2 billion announced in Budget 2016 to provide communities with more reliable water and wastewater systems.
    • Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (Green Stream) - $9.2 billion announced in Budget 2017 for the provinces and territories to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enable greater adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate-related disaster mitigation, and ensure that more communities can provide clean air and safe drinking water for their citizens.
    • Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund - $2 billion announced in Budget 2017 to support large-scale infrastructure projects to help communities better manage the risks of natural disasters.
    • Canada Infrastructure Bank - $5 billion to support investments in green infrastructure projects. To date, the Canada Infrastructure Bank has announced $20 million for the Mapleton water and wastewater project, and memoranda of understanding to advance the Lulu Island District Energy Project, the Pirate Harbour Wind Farm, and the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link.
    • Information on projects and funding allocated under these initiatives are available on Infrastructure Canada and Canada Infrastructure Bank websites. 
  • $28.7 billion in public transit infrastructure over 12 years:
    • The Public Transit Infrastructure Fund - $3.4 billion announced in Budget 2016 to improve and expand public transit systems across Canada.
    • Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (Public Transit Stream) – $20.3 billion announced in Budget 2017 for the provinces and territories to support the new construction, expansion, and improvement and rehabilitation of public transit infrastructure, and active transportation projects.
      • Canada Infrastructure Bank - $5 billion to support investments in public transit projects. To date, the Canada Infrastructure Bank has announced $1.28 billion for the Réseau express métropolitain project, and a memorandum of understanding to advance planning for a new passenger railway service between Calgary International Airport and the Town of Banff.
      • Information on projects and funding allocated under these initiatives are available on Infrastructure Canada and Canada Infrastructure Bank websites.
  • $2 billion to the Low Carbon Economy funds to generate clean growth, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to help meet Canada's Paris Agreement climate commitments:
    • The Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund - up to $1.4 billion to provinces and territories that adopted the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Provinces and territories are each eligible to receive $30 million plus funding based on population. Approximately $200 million was subsequently reallocated to the Ontario Energy Savings Rebate program, which allows Ontario retailers to offer rebates on the purchase of approved energy efficient products, following Ontario’s decision to eliminate its carbon pricing system.
    • The Low Carbon Economy Challenge - over $500 million allocated through a competitive process to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate clean growth. Provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous communities and organizations, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply.
  • $1.5 billion in the Oceans Protection Plan over 5 years, starting in 2017-18
    • In November 2016, the Government launched the $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan, the largest investment ever made to protect Canada’s coasts and waterways. The Plan aims to create a world-leading marine safety system that will increase the Government of Canada’s capacity to prevent and improve response to marine pollution incidents; restore and protect marine ecosystems and habitats; create stronger local emergency response capacity by establishing Indigenous partnerships and by engaging coastal communities; and invest in oil spill cleanup research and methods to ensure that decisions taken to protect the marine environment are evidence-based.
  • $1.3 billion in the Nature Legacy over 5 years to support Canada’s biodiversity and protect species at risk. This investment includes a $500 million federal contribution to create a new $1 billion Nature Fund in partnership with corporate, not-for-profit, provincial, territorial and other partners. In collaboration with partners, the Nature Fund secures private land, supports provincial and territorial species protection efforts, and helps build
  • Indigenous capacity to conserve land and species. The remaining funding increases the federal capacity to protect species at risk and manage protected areas, and establishes a coordinated network of conservation areas working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners.
  • $2.3 billion in clean technology funding over 5 years, starting in 2017-18 as follows:
    • $1.4 billion to the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada in growth capital and project financing to support the clean technology sector.
    • $400 million recapitalization of Sustainable Development Technology Canada to support projects which develop and demonstrate new technologies with potential to advance sustainable development, including technologies in areas of climate change, clean air and water, as well as soil quality.
    • $229 million in core clean energy and clean transportation innovation programming to accelerate the deployment and market entry of next-generation clean energy infrastructure, such as electric vehicle charging stations and smart grid technologies.
      • $200 million to support clean technology research, development, demonstration and adoption of clean technology in Canada’s natural resources, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
      • $15 million for an international business development strategy to encourage and support Canadian firms in their efforts to capitalize on growing opportunities in the global market for clean technology.
      • $14.5 million for a clean technology data strategy, which will support the collection of data and regular reporting on clean technology activities. This will strengthen the evidence-base for decisions, improve the understanding of the emerging clean technology landscape, and ensure the creation of policies and programs to support the production and adoption of clean technology.
      • $12 million for the Clean Growth Hub, a whole-of-government focal point for clean technology focused on supporting companies and projects, coordinating programs and tracking results. The Clean Growth Hub helps clean technology developers and adopters identify the federal programs and services most relevant to their needs, and can also help answer questions regarding policy, regulations, accessing federal laboratories, procurement and skills/training related to clean technology.
  • $950 million in energy efficiency initiatives through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in 2018-19. This investment will improve the energy efficiency of residential, commercial, multi-unit and large community buildings through three initiatives as follows:
    • Collaboration on Community Climate Action ($350 million) to provide municipalities and non-profit community organizations with financing and grants to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of large community buildings as well as community pilot and demonstration projects in Canadian municipalities, both large and small.
    • Community EcoEfficiency Acceleration ($300 million) to provide financing for municipal initiatives to support home energy efficiency retrofits. Homeowners could qualify for assistance in replacing furnaces and installing renewable energy technologies.
    • Sustainable Affordable Housing Innovation ($300 million) to provide financing and support to affordable housing developments to improve energy efficiency in new and existing housing and support on-site energy generation.  

Incentive for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) Program ($300 million) to provide Canadians with incentives of up to $5,000 for the purchase of eligible new zero-emission vehicles.

Open for signature
April 16, 2020, at 1:25 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
June 15, 2020, at 1:25 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Paul Manly (Nanaimo—Ladysmith)
June 18, 2020 (Petition No. 431-00288)
Government response tabled
September 24, 2020
Photo - Paul Manly
Green Party Caucus
British Columbia