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e-2417 (Government services and administration)

Initiated by Kathleen Hippern from Truro, Nova Scotia

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • RCMP and Treasury Board are now planning in May 2020 to move almost 4000 Civilian Members of the RCMP from a working pay system (Member Pay System that will continue to pay Regular Members) onto incomprehensible failure of a pay system called Phoenix;
  • On November 9, 2017 in response to questioning, the Honourable Scott Brison, President of Treasury Board, committed not to transition Civilian Members of the RCMP to Phoenix before its problems are resolved and stated: "We don't want to add to the burden of Phoenix at a time when we're still working through the problems and it makes sense, I would agree with your assessment";
  • Treasury Board stated themselves in their report on June 27, 2018, in response to the Auditor General's report that Phoenix is not stable that “it could take approximately five years to stabilize the Phoenix pay system”;
  • The PBO report of May 16, 2019 advised that Phoenix is not stable; and
  • Public Service Pay Center (PSPC) said that Phoenix was not stable on March 18, 2019, saying “Stabilizing the current pay system remains a top priority…” and further stated in aPSPC Update on April 3, 2019: “The pay issues currently being experienced by public servants are unacceptable, and we are working tirelessly at all levels to resolve them”.
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the President of the Treasury Board to honour Treasury Boards commitment to civilian RCMP members and delay the transfer of almost 4000 sworn Civilian Members onto the Phoenix payroll system until the problems with it have been fixed or until there is a reliable and stable replacement.

Response by the President of the Treasury Board

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): GREG FERGUS

A significant amount of work has been done at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Public Services and Procurement Canada, Shared Services Canada, and at the Treasury Board Secretariat in an effort to assess readiness for such a transition. This work was undertaken in consultation with bargaining agents. Notwithstanding the progress made to facilitate the transfer, there is no guarantee for a seamless transition.

As announced in March 2020, the President of the Treasury Board, in consultation with the Minister of Public Safety, will be recommending to the Treasury Board not to proceed with the May 21, 2020 deeming date. The Government of Canada remains focused on the needs and interests of civilian members, and officials are exploring next steps.

Open for signature
February 6, 2020, at 4:13 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 7, 2020, at 4:13 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Lenore Zann (Cumberland—Colchester)
March 11, 2020 (Petition No. 431-00153)
Government response tabled
May 25, 2020
Photo - Lenore Zann
Liberal Caucus
Nova Scotia