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e-2177 (Cannabis)

Initiated by Dr. Sarah Silcox from Ajax, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • Veterinarians frequently receive questions from pet owners about the therapeutic use of cannabis for their pets to treat conditions such as pain, seizures, arthritis, and anxiety;
  • Current provisions under the Cannabis Act and Regulations do not allow veterinarians to authorize the use of cannabis in companion pets;
  • Since there is no legal pathway, many pet owners are resorting to using products intended for human consumption or seeking out products from the illicit market without proper guidance and oversight from their veterinarians;
  • Without proper veterinary guidance on product selection, dosing, and monitoring, well-intentioned pet owners might inadvertently harm their pets; and
  • With edible and infused cannabis products being legalized this fall, the likelihood of pets ingesting potentially dangerous products intended for human use will increase significantly.
We, the undersigned, concerned pet owners, veterinarians, and animal lovers, call upon the Government of Canada to (a) recognize the role veterinarians play as front-line health care workers for their patients, and work with the veterinary industry to educate pet owners on the medicinal cannabis regime and the safe use of cannabis; (b) amend Part 14 of the Cannabis Regulations to allow veterinarians to provide necessary medication to their patients while maintaining an arms-length oversight on its dispensing; and (c) amend warning labels on THC-containing products to include a warning statement (e.g. “Keep out of reach of children and animals”).
Open for signature
May 27, 2019, at 10:22 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
June 26, 2019, at 10:22 a.m. (EDT)
Photo - Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
Beaches—East York
Liberal Caucus