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e-1902 (Health care workers)

Initiated by Linda Silas from Ottawa, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Health

  • National data shows that the number of violence-related accepted lost-time injuries for frontline health care workers increased by close to 66% between 2006 and 2015;
  • National data shows that 61% of nurses experienced a “serious” problem with some form of violence over a recent 12 month period;
  • Recent survey data in Ontario found that up to 68% of nurses and personal support workers experienced violence on the job in 2016-2017;
  • Violence in our health care system undermines the quality of care received by patients and affects all Canadians; and
  • Health care workers are employed to provide care for patients, not to be subjected to violence;
We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to develop a pan-Canadian prevention strategy to address growing incidents of violence against health care workers, and that this strategy draw upon international and domestic best practices to ensure all health care settings across the country are safe.
Government response tabled on April 12, 2019 (Sessional Paper No. 8545-421-241-01)
Open for signature
October 23, 2018, at 10:18 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
February 20, 2019, at 10:18 a.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Doug Eyolfson (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley)
March 1, 2019 (Petition No. 421-03289)
Government response tabled
April 12, 2019
Photo - Doug Eyolfson
Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley
Liberal Caucus