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e-1674 (Hassan Diab)

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • Canadian citizen Dr. Hassan Diab was wrongfully extradited from Canada based on unreliable and false evidence;
  • Hassan was extradited solely for the purpose of continuing an incomplete foreign investigation; not for trial as required;
  • Hassan spent almost ten years under draconian bail conditions in Canada or imprisoned, including over three years in solitary confinement in France;
  • French investigative judges repeatedly stated that there is “consistent evidence” of Hassan’s innocence. In January 2018, the judges dismissed all allegations against Hassan, allowing him to return to his home in Canada;
  • Hassan has never been charged;
  • Hassan’s ten-year ordeal was the direct consequence of actions of senior officials of the Canadian Department of Justice;
  • When the case was falling apart, Department of Justice officials intervened to direct French authorities on how to patch up the case to ensure Hassan’s extradition;
  • Department of Justice officials repeatedly delayed the extradition hearing and told the Canadian court that they had no knowledge of French authorities’ plans despite having directed those plans; and
  • Department of Justice officials requested fingerprint analysis as the results could be very powerful if not conclusive to get Hassan extradited; yet when the RCMP analysis results excluded Hassan, Department of Justice officials deliberately withheld this evidence from the court and the defence.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to appoint an independent commissioner to conduct a thorough public inquiry into Hassan Diab’s case, ensuring that the person appointed has full access to, and powers to compel disclosure of, any and all relevant information.
Government response tabled on November 26, 2018 (Sessional Paper No. 8545-421-227-01)
Open for signature
May 16, 2018, at 2:41 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
September 13, 2018, at 2:41 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Murray Rankin (Victoria)
October 29, 2018 (Petition No. 421-02830)
Government response tabled
November 26, 2018
Photo - Murray Rankin
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia