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441-01153 (Social affairs and equality)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English



  • Disability financial support payments in Canada are currently far below the Official Poverty Line of Canada;

  • 1.5 million disabled Canadians currently suffer every single day in a state of "legislated poverty"; and

  • The government continues to allow the wealthy, well-connected, and multinational corporations to hoard billions in offshore accounts or forgo taxes and fair prices for our country's resources.

We, the undersigned, concerned Canadian citizens, call upon the Government of Canada to end the current practice of "legislated poverty" of Canadians living with disabilities and establish a federal disability benefit of $2,200 per month.

Response by the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): IREK KUSMIERCZYK

On June 2, 2022, the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion (EWDDI) introduced Bill C-22, Canada Disability Benefit Act, to establish a new Canada Disability Benefit. The bill has received all-party support in the House of Commons and is currently before the Senate.

In the spirit of Nothing Without Us, the Government will continue to engage with Canadians with disabilities and other stakeholders to inform the design of the benefit and future regulations. Engagement activities began in summer 2021 with Ministerial roundtables and an online public survey. Consultations have also taken place throughout 2022, and community-led engagement as well as engagement with National Indigenous Organizations is continuing into winter and spring 2023.

The legislation also recognizes the critical role that provinces and territories play in providing supports and services to Canadians with disabilities and the importance of engaging with them. Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services met in July 2021 for an initial discussion on the proposed new benefit and discussions with provincial and territorial governments have been ongoing since, including bilateral meetings between the Minister of EWDDI and provincial/territorial counterparts.

Presented to the House of Commons
Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford)
February 15, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01153)
Government response tabled
March 31, 2023
Photo - Alistair MacGregor
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia

41 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.