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432-01198 (Indigenous affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Indigenous Services

We, the undersigned concerned citizens of the Mattawa/North Bay Algonquin First Nation Community, call upon the Honourable Minister Marc Miller to take action on the following:

  • unfairness & discriminatory selection of memberships by the Algonquin Nation, their consultant Joan Holmes Associates Inc., their solicitor Mr Pott;
  • review all memberships revoked based on April 2020 PROPOSED BENEFICIARY CRITERIA with contradicting interpretation from the consultant office and the Mattawa/North Bay community office. There was no input from the members as required under section 10(2). Memberships were revoked under this Proposed Beneficiary Criteria (some had their membership for 10+ years);
  • all chiefs to comply with the same criteria as the members including proof of documentation on their Algonquin ancestry to be verified by an independent genealogist;
  • delay election of members of council until membership discrepancies has been rectified;
  • Appeals to be heard prior to the next election in order to allow successful appeal individuals the right to vote and not suppressed;
  • re-instate membership to members that were qualified prior to the PROPOSED BENEFICIARY CRITERIA as per section 10 (4) re:- Acquired rights;
  • Mattawa/North Bay Algonquin community, and consultant should be audited for funding of expenditures for possible misuse of funds;
  • refrain from finalizing the existing agreement in principle between the Algonquins of Ontario, Federal and Provincial governments until all concerns have been resolved;
  • members to retain their membership until a thorough review of the aforementioned concerns have been resolved;
  • investigate why the decision of a board of appeal was overturned by the enrolment officer;
  • investigate the reason why some members of the same family with the same genealogy have been approved while others have not?

Presented to the House of Commons
Marc Serré (Nickel Belt)
June 22, 2021 (Petition No. 432-01198)
Photo - Marc Serré
Nickel Belt
Liberal Caucus

864 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.