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e-2124 (Air transportation)

Initiated by William Mckerrow from Cranbrook, British Columbia

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

  • National air carrier connectivity between Calgary and Cranbrook has been in place since 1967 and the local economy of Kootenay—Columbia is tied to this access;
  • The visitor economy of Kootenay—Columbia is showing growth and regional tourism marketing organizations have targeted several campaigns around the air services;
  • Many residents of Kootenay—Columbia rely on air travel to Calgary to access healthcare and other services;
  • Individuals and businesses will likely face a lack of seat availability with a single airline servicing this route due to the lack of total seat capacity to meet demand;
  • In 2018, 68,926 passengers flew between Calgary and Cranbrook, the seat capacity on this route was fully utilized and this lost capacity is not being made up anywhere else in the schedule, forcing a dramatic contraction of annual passengers while demand has been proven;
  • The past years of passenger growth allowed the Airport Improvement Fee (AIF) to be reduced from $11 per passenger to $4 per passenger based on the total air carrier capacity; and
  • The loss of 4 daily flights may result in an increase to the AIF.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Transport to recommend to Air Canada President and CEO, Calin Rovinescu, to maintain a minimum of one flight a day each way between the Canadian Rockies International Airport and the Calgary International Airport.
Government response tabled on August 21, 2019 (Sessional Paper No. 8545-421-132-05)
Open for signature
April 9, 2019, at 9:08 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
May 9, 2019, at 9:08 a.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Wayne Stetski (Kootenay—Columbia)
May 15, 2019 (Petition No. 421-03752)
Government response tabled
August 21, 2019
Photo - Wayne Stetski
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia