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441-01388 (Education and training)



The Final Report of the Mass Casualty Commission recommended decommissioning RCMP Academy, Depot Division by 2032;

Depot Division is an historic and world-class police training facility that has trained almost every RCMP officer since the inception of the force; and

Depot Division employs 500 people in Regina and provides substantial tourism and other economic activity to the City of Regina.

Therefore: we, the undersigned residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to publicly reject the recommendation to close Depot Division and to reaffirm the Government of Canada's commitment to train all RCMP officers at Depot.

Response by the Minister of Public Safety

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): PAM DAMOFF, M.P.

The federal government recognizes that RCMP Training Academy has long contributed to the economy and history of Saskatchewan. 

The Government of Canada and the RCMP are taking the time to carefully consider the possible outcomes and opportunities presented by the recommendations of the Mass Casualty Commission. The Mass Casualty Commission’s recommendations require careful, multi-level review.

The Cadet Training Program is constantly evolving, guided by research and strategic partnerships both within policing and education institutions. An evidence-based approach guides the improvement to training standards for example, in key areas of intercultural competence, anti-racism, unconscious bias awareness, police interventions, sexual assault investigation, de-escalation, and leadership.

As we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the RCMP, the Government of Canada want  to assure Canadians that the Academy continues to embrace modern police training solutions through partnerships with organizations within Canada and internationally in its efforts to deliver the best-trained police officers possible to Canadians.

Presented to the House of Commons
Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana)
April 28, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01388)
Government response tabled
June 12, 2023
Photo - Michael Kram
Conservative Caucus

69 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.