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441-00335 (Foreign affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada


The recent military action by Russia against Ukraine represents a clear violation of both international law and any reasonably acceptable relationship between neighboring countries; and

Canada must support Ukraine in their resistance to this invasion.

Therefore, we, the undersigned residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to resume providing Radarsat image intelligence to the Ukrainian government and military.

Response by the Minister of National Defence

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Bryan May

As of May 9, 2022

Canada has stood firmly with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the face of unwarranted Russian aggression as they fight to defend their sovereignty, freedom, and independence.

In September 2015, National Defence launched Operation UNIFIER, the Canadian Armed Forces military training and capacity-building mission in Ukraine. Through Operation UNIFIER, the Canadian Armed Forces trained over 33,000 members of Ukraine’s security forces, and this is the force that is now bravely defending itself against Russian forces today. 

In the wake of Russia’s recent full-scale invasion of Ukraine, National Defence has been unwavering in its support and will continue to supply Ukraine with the tools and equipment it needs to defend its sovereignty and security and to win this war.

Since January 2022, National Defence provided over $131 million in military equipment requested by Ukraine, including armoured vehicles, heavy artillery, body armour, gas masks, helmets, anti-armour weapons systems, rocket launchers, small arms and ammunition, as well as other highly specialized pieces of military equipment. National Defence has also helped bolster Ukraine’s resilience in cyber space, in conjunction with the Communications Security Establishment. Millions of dollars’ worth of our aid has arrived in Ukraine and is making a difference on the ground at this very moment.

National Defence has also made funds available for Ukraine to acquire commercial satellite imagery through a United States partner. This contribution significantly increased Ukrainian access to high-resolution, unclassified, colour imagery. That is why the Prime Minister recently announced an additional $15 million towards high resolution satellite imagery to support Ukraine. National Defence has also been working with Global Affairs Canada and the Canadian Space Agency, who will be providing Ukraine with access to RADARSAT Constellation Mission imagery.

Moreover, Budget 2022 designated $500 million towards further military aid for Ukraine.

Additionally, approximately 120 Canadian Armed Forces personnel have been deployed to Poland – under Operation REASSURANCE – to provide care and support to Ukrainian refugees fleeing violence and to support our Polish allies.

The Minister of National Defence remains in close contact with Ukraine Minister of Defence, Oleksii Reznkiov, to discuss Ukraine’s most pressing security needs and how Canada can best continue to help.

National Defence will continue to support Ukraine through strong, comprehensive military aid in collaboration with our Allies and partners. For example, Canada has deployed two CC-130 aircraft to Europe to transport military equipment towards Ukraine. This includes equipment from Canada and our allies. These aircraft have delivered well over 1 million pounds of aid so far, and this work continues every single day.

In order to maintain operational security for our personnel and Ukrainian forces, we are not providing detailed information on deliveries. Similarly, National Defence cannot publicise further details regarding future military aid due to operational security considerations.

Presented to the House of Commons
Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana)
April 1, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00335)
Government response tabled
May 16, 2022
Photo - Michael Kram
Conservative Caucus

55 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.