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432-00968 (Public safety)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada


  • Illicit drug production, distribution, and use is occurring within the Village of Cache Creek, British Columbia;
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has been overshadowed by the opioid crisis in British Columbia, with more than 1,500 overdose deaths reported in 2020, exceeding all deaths to date from COVID-19 in the province;
  • Residents' calls, messages, and pleas with municipal authorities and local law enforcement are regularly met with indifference or incapacity due to jurisdictional issues;
  • Residents are fearful of retaliation from criminal organizations, are fearful that they or their children could be exposed to drugs or other noxious substances, and are fearful for the future cohesion of their communities;
  • Residents want to feel safe and secure in their own homes, in their neighbourhoods, and in their communities;

THEREFORE: We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to collaborate constructively, measurably, and tangibly with municipalities, local law enforcement agencies, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to root out and shut down illegal drug production and distribution sites, and to prosecute any persons involved in the production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs.

Presented to the House of Commons
Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon)
May 25, 2021 (Petition No. 432-00968)
Photo - Brad Vis
Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon
Conservative Caucus
British Columbia

34 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.