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M-68 Wealth inequality

43rd Parliament, 2nd Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should address rising extreme wealth inequality and generational fairness concerns by implementing: (a) a one-time tax on extreme wealth to help pay for the pandemic response, namely a 3% tax on assets over $10 million, and a 5% tax on assets over $20 million; (b) new tax measures on the transfer of extreme wealth, including an inheritance tax on estates valued at over $5 million; and (c) changes in the tax treatment of investment income to ensure it is treated more equitably in relation to employment income earned by working Canadians.

Latest Activity

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Placed on Notice


Thursday, February 11, 2021
Placed on Notice

Joint Seconders (2)

Jointly seconding a private Member's motion is a formal way for up to 20 Members to show support for the motion before it is called for debate. They are displayed in the order they were received by the Clerk of the House.

Jointly seconded on Thursday, February 18, 2021

Photo - Paul Manly - Click to open the Member of Parliament profile
Paul Manly

Jointly seconded on Monday, February 22, 2021

Photo - Elizabeth May - Click to open the Member of Parliament profile
Elizabeth May
Saanich—Gulf Islands