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CIIT Committee Report

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VI.   Conclusion

Over the course of its enquiry into the Canada-Korea free trade negotiations, the Committee heard a wide range of testimony. Some witnesses were adamant that Canada should walk away from free trade negotiations and seek a new template for trade agreements based on fair trade and social justice. Others supported a Canada-Korea FTA in principle, but had specific reservations about the agreement. Still others strongly endorsed free trade with Korea.

In spite of the range of views on the free trade negotiations, a central theme emerged: that there was very little information available on the negotiations themselves. Like most other formal negotiations free trade talks are conducted behind closed doors. Since the process is not yet complete, no witnesses except perhaps DFAITs trade negotiators know what shape a final agreement might take.

For this reason, we believe it to be premature for this Committee to take a position on a trade negotiation that has not yet been concluded. We are confident that the Government of Canada will not sign a deal that is bad for the country. However, we also note that the final decision on any agreement rests with Parliamentarians. If a trade deal is concluded, Members of Parliament will have a chance to debate the agreement at that time, with full knowledge of its contents, as well as to vote on the implementing legislation.