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FINA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Finance
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent des finances

For immediate release



Ottawa, June 21, 2007 -

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance is planning to hold its public hearings on the 2007 pre-budget consultations from Tuesday, September 18th to Thursday, October 25th, 2007. The timetable for hearings is as follows:

Week of September 17: Ottawa
Monday, September 24: Iqaluit
Wednesday, September 26 and Thursday, September 27: Ottawa
October 1: Winnipeg; October 2: Regina; October 3: Calgary; October 4: Victoria
October 15: Charlottetown; October 16: Halifax; October 17: Rivière-du-Loup; October 18: Montreal
Monday, October 22: London, Ontario
Tuesday, October 23 and Thursday, October 25: Ottawa

The main themes that the Committee would like to discuss is attached.

If you wish to appear in front of the Committee during its pre-budget consultations, please advise us electronically by indicating the date and city of your choice no later than Tuesday, July 31, 2007. The deadline to submit the accompanying brief is no later than Wednesday, August 15th in order that the brief can be translated and distributed to Committee members. You are able to submit a brief even if you do not wish to appear in front of the Committee. All deadlines will be respected, and no exceptions given.

All briefs that are submitted should be no longer than five pages in length and should include an executive summary of one page. Your executive summary should indicate your priorities with respect to your proposals. Briefs can be submitted electronically or by mail.

Briefs should be sent to:
Elizabeth Kingston,
Clerk Standing Committee on Finance
House of Commons

In your e-mail indicating your desire to appear, please indicate the following:

Your Association’s name: My Association
Name and title of person presenting: John Doe, President
Mailing address: 123 Main Street, Ottawa
Postal Code: K1A 0A6
Telephone number with area code: (123) 456-7890
Email address:
City where you wish to appear: Ottawa

The Committee cannot guarantee that all witnesses requesting to appear in front of the Committee can be accommodated. Information will be updated regularly on the Committee’s website should there be any changes. Visit the website at

As in years past, your participation is essential to the success of the pre-budget consultation process, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Brian Pallister, Member of Parliament


In an increasingly global world characterized by ongoing and rapid change, one responsibility of governments is to ensure the existence of a system of taxes, fees and other charges that meets the needs of the country, its residents and its businesses. Within this context, a key federal responsibility is designing a system that results in the collection of the revenues needed to fund its activities and that ensures the prosperity and productivity of both residents and businesses.

From this perspective and consistent with the mandate of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, submissions are invited on the following questions. Requests to make an oral presentation to the Committee should be made to the Clerk of the Committee no later than 31 July 2007 and should indicate the city in respect of which a presentation is being requested.

Written submissions, which should include a one-page summary of recommendations and should not exceed five pages in length, will be accepted by the Committee until 15 August 2007. Following an examination of these written submissions, the Committee will invite select groups and individuals to make an oral presentation; not all groups and individuals will necessarily be invited to make such a presentation. The one-page summary of written submissions that are unrelated to the identified theme will be included in the Committee’s report.

1. What criteria do you believe should guide federal decisions about the changes that should be made to taxes, fees and other charges, and about whether they should be broadly based or targeted to a specific group of residents or business sectors?

2. Given that corporations provide employment, are owned by individuals and contribute to the economic growth of the nation:

• what is the appropriate form and level of corporate taxes, fees and other charges?

• to what extent should federal revenues be derived from corporations rather than from individuals?

• should the federal government ensure that corporate taxation in Canada is competitive with that in other countries, and what consideration should be given to the various levels and types of public goods provided by countries?

3. Given that Canadians contribute to the nation as employees, corporate shareholders, volunteers and community residents:

• what is the appropriate form and level of personal taxes, fees and other charges?

• to what extent should federal revenues be derived from individuals directly rather than from corporations?

• should the federal government ensure that personal taxation in Canada is competitive with that in other countries, and what consideration should be given to the various levels and types of public goods provided by countries?


Week of 17 September: Ottawa

24 September: Iqaluit

26 and 27 September: Ottawa

1-4 October: Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria

15-18 October: Charlottetown, Halifax, Rivière-du-Loup, Montreal

22 October: London

23-26 October: Ottawa

Canadians should also note that Parliamentarians are being encouraged to hold federal budget-related Town Hall meetings as part of Parliament’s pre-budget consultation process. Any reports prepared by Parliamentarians as a result of these meetings, and which are forwarded to the Committee, will be included in the Committee’s report.

For further information, please contact the Clerk of the Committee, Elizabeth B. Kingston, at 613-992-9753, at or at the Standing Committee on Finance, House of Commons, Ottawa. Requests to appear and written submissions (electronic or printed copy) should also be sent to Ms. Kingston by the deadlines indicated.

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For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth Kingston, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Finance
Tel: 613-992-9753