36th Parliament, 2nd Session
(October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)
An Act to amend the Competition Act, 1998 (negative option marketing)
Report 2 - Bill C-276, An Act to amend the Competition Act, 1998 (negative option marketing)
Presented to the House: Wednesday, February 23, 2000
Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act
Report 1 - Bill C-4, Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act
Presented to the House: Friday, November 5, 1999
Canadian Tourism Commission Act
Report 6 - Bill C-5, An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission
Presented to the House: Thursday, June 8, 2000
Main Estimates 2000 - 2001
Report 5
Presented to the House: Monday, May 29, 2000
Productivity, Innovation and Competitiveness
Report 4 - Productivity and Innovation: A Competitive and Prosperous Canada
Presented to the House: Tuesday, April 11, 2000
Subject matter of Bill C-229, An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (letter that cannot be transmitted by post)
Report 3 - Subject matter of Bill C-229, An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (letter that cannot be transmitted by post).
Presented to the House: Monday, April 10, 2000
Review of the Competition Act
Report 7 - Interim Report on the Competition Act
Presented to the House: Wednesday, June 14, 2000