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ACVA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des anciens combattants

For immediate release


Veterans affairs committee tables unanimous report on the financial health of veterans' organizations during the covid-19 pandemic

Ottawa, May 07, 2021 -

Today, Mr. Bryan May, Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, tabled a report containing 9 recommendations to support Veterans' organizations that were hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I am pleased that once again, the members of the Committee have spoken with one voice in support of veterans' organizations, ” said Mr. May. “These organizations rely on the daily commitment of thousands of volunteers, a significant proportion of whom are seniors. Without them, veterans would lose a vital local support that the government would be hard pressed to replace. This report therefore recognizes their contribution and calls on the government to continue to provide financial support to veterans' organizations until they can resume normal operations.”

Many veterans’ organizations such as the Royal Canadian Legion, ANAVETS, the Navy and Air Force veterans’ clubs, True Patriot Love Foundation, VETS Canada, The Veterans Transition Network and the Multifaith Housing Initiative saw a significant impact to their operations in their ability to deliver services to veterans.

The committee heard that because of their volunteer-based structure, many of these organizations were ineligible for the federal salary support programs put in place to counter the effects of the pandemic. This is why the creation of the Emergency Fund in support of veterans' organizations was welcomed as a real lifeline, although it was determined that more can always be done to support the financial health of these organizations.

Until the end of the pandemic, the financial health of veterans' organizations will remain fragile and the Government of Canada must ensure that they remain on their feet. This is the focus of many of the recommendations in this report.

The Committee would like to thank all those who participated in this study, as well as all the volunteers across the country who contribute to the well-being of those who chose to risk everything to make us freer, more prosperous and safer.

The report is available online on the Committee's website.

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For more information, please contact:
Benoit Jolicoeur, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs
Tel: 613-944-9354