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House Publications

The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Notice Paper

No. 233

Thursday, November 9, 2017

10:00 a.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)


Q-13161-2 — November 8, 2017 — Ms. Raitt (Milton) — With regard to the tweet by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change on November 7, 2017, which stated that “Canada salutes Nicaragua and Syria for joining on to the Paris Agreement!”: what are the titles of all individuals who approved the tweet?
Q-13172 — November 8, 2017 — Mr. Angus (Timmins—James Bay) — With respect to programs delivering mental health services to Indigenous children, programs delivering health services to Indigenous children, and the implementation of Jordan’s Principle: (a) how much has been allocated over the last five years, broken down by program and by year; (b) how much has been spent over the last five years, broken down by program and by year; (c) how much has been allocated through the Non-Insured Health Benefits program on hospital beds over the last five years; (d) how much was spent on hospital beds over the last five years; and (e) how many individual hospital beds were purchased and acquired and then distributed to recipient individuals or institutions over the last five years?
Q-13182 — November 8, 2017 — Mr. Angus (Timmins—James Bay) — With respect to the Child and Family Services program, the Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve and other programs offered by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Health Canada for the purposes of early child development and early childhood education for Indigenous peoples, the Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and other programs offered by INAC and Health Canada for the purposes of diagnosing and treating addictions and other mental health and wellness issues, including suicide prevention initiatives, and the Mental Health Continuum Framework: (a) what, if any, concerns, vulnerabilities, gaps, shortfalls and other lacunae in funding, program design and delivery were identified by the two respective departments, broken down by program; (b) what steps, if any, have been taken to rectify the concerns, vulnerabilities, gaps, shortfalls and other lacunae mentioned in (b), broken down by program; and (c) how much has been allocated and spent for each of these programs, in aggregate and broken down by region, for each year between 2009 and 2017?
Q-13192 — November 8, 2017 — Mr. Saroya (Markham—Unionville) — With regard to employment in departments, Crown corporations, agencies and other government entities: (a) what are the complete job titles for every employee whose job title includes the words “tax”, “taxes”, “taxation”, “taxing”, “taxable”, “revenue”, “revenues”, “duty”, “duties”, “dutiable”, “fee”, “fees”, “levy”, “levies”, “tariff”, “tariffs”, “toll”, “tolls”, “charge”, “charges”, “rate”, “rates”, “excise”, “customs”, “impost”, or “imposts”; (b) how many employees have job titles listed in (a), broken down by job title; and (c) for the employees with job titles listed in (a), what is (i) the aggregate of salaries paid in the 2016-17 fiscal year, (ii) the aggregate value of benefits, expense claims, and other employment costs paid in the 2016-17 fiscal year, (iii) the aggregate of salaries forecasted to be paid in the 2017-18 fiscal year?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-152 — November 8, 2017 — Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should instruct the Department of National Defence and the Department of Veterans Affairs to work together to: (a) keep, for all members of the Canadian Forces (CF) and for all veterans, a file containing any medical diagnosis of a permanent medical condition such as, but not limited to, amputations; (b) with the consent of the CF member or the veteran, share that information with any insurance providers contracted by the government that require the CF member or veteran to provide such medical diagnoses; (c) update the diagnosis of the medical condition only at the request of the CF member or veteran in the event the condition changes; and (d) set up regular wellness checks with the CF member or veteran to enquire about any changes in health.

Private Members' Business

M-124 — March 7, 2017 — Mr. Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) — That, in the opinion of the House, within twelve months of the adoption of this motion: (a) the government should follow the example of other Canadian police services and act to save hundreds of lives each year by equipping all RCMP vehicles with automated external defibrillators (AEDs); and (b) the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security should undertake a study to determine the availability of AEDs in first responder vehicles across Canada and make recommendations to the House in that regard while respecting the jurisdiction of other levels of government.
Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) — March 8, 2017
Mr. Eglinski (Yellowhead) and Mr. Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) — April 4, 2017
Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — April 20, 2017

1 Requires Oral Answer
2 Response requested within 45 days