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OGGO Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des opérations gouvernementales et des prévisions budgétaires

For immediate release


Veterans Are Invited to Share their Experiences Applying for Positions in the Federal Public Service

Ottawa, March 22, 2019 -

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (the Committee) is conducting a study on hiring veterans for federal public service positions and is looking for input from veterans. The Committee is aiming to table a report with recommendations to the federal government in the House of Commons in 2019.

Veterans are invited to participate in the Committee’s study in the following ways:

–REQUESTS TO APPEAR: Requests to appear may be sent to the Committee by email ( or by using the “Request to Appear” button on the Committee’s website. Please note that the Clerk of the Committee will contact only those who are selected by the Committee to appear. Requests to appear must be submitted to the Committee no later than Thursday, April 18, 2019. The Committee will accommodate, to the best of its abilities, veterans who prefer to participate anonymously.

–WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS: The Committee also encourages veterans and other interested Canadians who want to share their views to send written submissions by using the “Submit a Brief” button on the Committee’s website. Please note that written submission can be sent anonymously.

“I am very proud that the Committee will be examining ways to improve the hiring of veterans in the federal public service,” said Tom Lukiwski, Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. “On behalf of the Committee, I would like to invite veterans to share their experiences as well as their suggestions on how to facilitate their hiring in the federal public service,” Mr. Lukiwski added.

Canadians who wish to follow the Committee’s work may do so by visiting its website:

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For more information, please contact:
Paul Cardegna, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
Tel: 613-995-9469