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NDDN Committee Report

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AFISMA:                       African-led International Support Mission to Mali

A4P:                             Action for Peacekeeping

AQIM:                          Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

CAF:                             Canadian Armed Forces

DND:                            Department of National Defence

EUCAP Sahel Mali:      European Union Capacity Building Mission Sahel Mali

EUTM Mali:                 European Union Training Mission Mali

GAC:                            Global Affairs Canada

HIPPO:                         High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations

IED:                              Improvised Explosive Device

MFO:                           Multinational Force and Observers

MINUSMA:                  UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission

MNLA:                         National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad

MONUSCO:                 United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

MTCP:                          Military Training and Cooperation Program

NATO:                          North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NDDN:                         House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence

NGO:                           Non-Government Organization

OSCE:                          Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

PSTC:                           Peace Support Training Centre

RCAF:                           Royal Canadian Air Force

RCMP:                         Royal Canadian Mounted Police

R2MR:                         Road to Mental Readiness

SHIRBRIG:                    Standby High-Readiness Brigade

TCC:                             Troop Contributing Countries

UN:                              United Nations

UNMISS:                      United Nations Mission in South Sudan

UNSCR:                        United Nations Security Council Resolution

VAC:                             Veterans Affairs Canada