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INDU Committee Report

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The Committee recommends that the federal government develop a strategy for the Canadian manufacturing sector based on the recommendations in this report. This strategy should include clear objectives and timelines for the Canadian manufacturing sector in terms of production, employment and exports. Regular progress reports should be published to identify achievements to date, as well as any corrections that may be required.


The Committee recommends that the federal government improve the labour market information it produces, notably connecting jobs in occupations in demand (such as in the sciences and specialized trades), locally and at the national level, with skills available with job seekers.


The Committee recommends that the federal government establish sector councils in order to make students and post-secondary institutions more aware of what skills are required by manufacturing businesses, advanced manufacturing, in emerging fields that will be important to Canada’s growth. These sector councils could be tasked to work with local educational institutions to create streams to employment, including work experience for students, and share best practices on processes and innovation as well as promoting investment.


The Committee recommends that the federal government increase options to address labour shortages: above all, by promoting on-the-job-training of Canadian and prospective employees, either through an increase in the Canada Job Grant or other means; also, by examining the possibility of using the Temporary Foreign Worker Program as a gateway to permanent immigration; and by expediting the process through which foreign students can become permanent residents, as a way to attract and retain top talent and skilled workers.


The Committee recommends that the federal government explore ways to create an index of existing patents in Canadian post-secondary institutions so they can be readily identified by industry, and explore ways to promote and encourage the transfer of intellectual property from post-secondary institutions to Canadian industry.


The Committee recommends that the federal government consider all pertinent information regarding predicted impacts for Canada in terms of employment and production, by industry, when considering signing trade agreements.


The Committee recommends that the federal government conduct a comprehensive assessment of its programs to support research, innovation and commercialization in the manufacturing sector in order to simplify those programs, quantify how well they meet their objectives, and determine whether eligibility criteria based on region or company size are still appropriate.


The Committee recommends that the federal government consider ways to improve the Industrial Research Assistance Program, the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative, and the Technology Demonstration Program to include support for commercialization activities.


The Committee recommends that the federal government: improve the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program by providing ongoing, standardized training to assessment agents across the country so that eligibility criteria are interpreted consistently; expand and/or ensure that experimental development of new manufacturing processes is eligible for the program; provide ongoing seminars to teach industry how to apply for the program; and that the federal government report publicly on the changes and their impacts.


The Committee recommends that the federal government study the best way to link the various innovation centres to create a network in which entrepreneurs could receive all the federal services available to manufacturing companies, and that it report publicly on the results.


The Committee recommends that the federal government assess the impact of research funding that is granted to colleges and polytechnics in support of Canadian manufacturing industries; and that this analysis be made public.


The Committee recommends that the federal government identify how the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) can play a more active role in developing manufacturing companies from start-up through to commercialization; and that the performance of this initiative be included in BDC’s annual report.


The Committee recommends that the federal government: regularly review its regulations; ensure that federal regulatory authorities have the necessary resources to quickly approve products requiring certification; play a leadership role in an inter-provincial process aimed at greater harmonization of provincial and territorial standards and regulations to encourage domestic trade; and continue its efforts for better harmonization with international standards in order to encourage international trade.


The Committee recommends that the federal government implement a procurement strategy that encourages procurement of innovative Canadian goods and services.


The Committee recommends that the federal government better inform manufacturing companies and potential entrepreneurs in rural areas about federal programs.


The Committee recommends that the federal government explore ways to continue to expand and improve broadband connectivity in rural areas in order to promote the growth of the manufacturing sector in rural areas.


The Committee recommends that the federal government identify the business opportunities and challenges to a significant portion of the manufacturing sector, due to the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, once the provincial and territorial governments have indicated their respective approaches to this.

The Committee further recommends that the federal government commit to monitoring closely the development and implementation of the proposed changes to both the Canada Pension Plan and carbon pricing on the manufacturing sector in Canada.