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INAN Committee Report

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In accordance with its Order of Reference of Friday, May 3, 2019, your Committee has considered Bill C-92, An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, and agreed on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, to report it with the following amendments:
Clause 1

That Bill C-92, in Clause 1, be amended by replacing line 20 on page 3 with the following:

“dance with the customs, traditions or customary adoption practices of that Indigenous”

Clause 8

That Bill C-92, in Clause 8, be amended by

(a) replacing line 28 on page 4 with the following:

“peoples in relation to child and family services;”

(b) replacing line 3 on page 5 with the following:

“Indigenous children; and”

(c) adding after line 3 on page 5 the following:

“(c) contribute to the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

Clause 10

That Bill C-92, in Clause 10, be amended by

(a) replacing line 34 on page 6 with the following:

“security and well-being, as well as to the importance, for that child, of having an ongoing relationship with his or her family and with the Indigenous group, community or people to which he or she belongs and of preserving the child’s connections to his or her culture.”

(b) replacing lines 7 to 12 on page 7 with the following:

“(d) the importance to the child of preserving the child’s cultural identity and connections to the language and territory of the Indigenous group, community or people to which the child belongs;”

(c) adding after line 27 on page 7 the following:

“(4) Subsections (1) to (3) are to be construed in relation to an Indigenous child, to the extent that it is possible to do so, in a manner that is consistent with a provision of a law of the Indigenous group, community or people to which the child belongs.”

Clause 12

That Bill C-92, in Clause 12, be amended by replacing line 15 on page 8 with the following:

“child, a member of the child’s family or the care provider, other than information that is necessary to explain the proposed significant measure or that is required by the Indigenous governing body’s coordination agreement.‍”

Clause 16

That Bill C-92, in Clause 16, be amended by adding after line 23 on page 9 the following:

“(2.‍1) The placement of a child under subsection (1) must take into account the customs and traditions of Indigenous peoples such as with regards to customary adoption.‍”

Clause 20

That Bill C-92, in Clause 20, be amended by replacing lines 10 and 11 on page 11 with the following:

“(c) fiscal arrangements, relating to the provision of child and family services by the Indigenous governing body, that are sustainable, needs-based and consistent with the principle of substantive equality in order to secure long-term positive outcomes for Indigenous children, families and communities and to support the capacity of the Indigenous group, community or people to exercise the legislative authority effectively; and”

Clause 28

That Bill C-92, in Clause 28, be amended by replacing line 25 on page 14 with the following:

“a First Nations person, an Inuk or a Métis person, as the case may be, and that their communities of origin and those of their parents are identified, when possible, when child and family services are provid-”

Your Committee has ordered a reprint of Bill C-92, as amended, as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at the report stage.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 148 to 150 and 152) is tabled.