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HESA Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada ensure sufficient funding for, and endorse the development of, an implementation plan for the pan-Canadian framework on physical activity entitled A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving.

Recommendation 2

That the Government of Canada appoint a “Physical Activity Champion for Youth” responsible for:

  • ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are included in the group tasked with developing the implementation plan for A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving;
  • overseeing the implementation plan, particularly as it relates to programs, strategies and initiatives targeted to children and youth aged 5-17 years;
  • reporting to the Minister of Health on the progress of the implementation of that plan; and,
  • ensuring that the impact of the implementation plan is measured with respect to the performance of youth in terms of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology’s Canadian 24-hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17 years).

Recommendation 3

That the Minister of Health report annually to Parliament on the status of the implementation plan for A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving and that the reports be publicly available.

Recommendation 4

That the Government of Canada commit to sustained funding for the promotion and adoption of the 24-hour Movement Guidelines developed by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.

Recommendation 5

That the Public Health Agency of Canada work with the proposed Physical Activity Champion for Youth to develop and implement Canada-wide public awareness campaigns to:

  • increase physical literacy among Canadian children and youth;
  • promote the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology’s Canadian 24-hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17 years); and,
  • normalize daily physical activity.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada work in collaboration with the provinces and territories as well as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to ensure that local governments are aware of available federal funding for active transportation projects through the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund.