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FEWO Committee Report

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Observation 1

The Chair of the Committee, on behalf of the Committee, will send a letter to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedures and House Affairs (PROC) to ask that PROC consider studying initiatives that could eliminate any potential gender bias linked to the design of voting ballots.

Observation 2

The Committee encourages registered parties to set voluntary quotas for the percentage of female candidates they field in federal elections and to publicly report on their efforts to meet these quotas after every federal general election.

Observation 3

The Committee asks that its Chair send a letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons to ask the Speaker to consider studying initiatives that could prevent and discourage the use of gender-based heckling in the House of Commons.

Observation 4

The Committee believes that services and initiatives such as parental leave for parliamentarians; the possibility of voting and participating remotely in parliamentary work; access to full- and part-time child care services; and the undertaking of gender-sensitive audits of legislatures could help foster inclusive, family-friendly and gender-sensitive political workplaces.