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CIIT Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on International Trade
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent du commerce international

For immediate release


House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade Meets to Discuss U.S. Tariffs, Calls for Briefs from Canadians

Ottawa, June 27, 2018 -

On 26 June 2018, the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade held a hearing on the impacts on Canadian businesses and workers of the U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum resulting from the investigations undertaken in accordance with section 232 of the U.S. Trade Expansion Act, or what are sometimes referred to as the section 232 tariffs. The Committee’s 16 witnesses included steel companies, trade associations and representatives of organized labour.

“Committee members heard from a range of witnesses on the vital topic of how the section 232 tariffs on certain Canadian steel and aluminum products are affecting – and how potential section 232 tariffs on motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts would affect – Canadian workers, businesses and communities,” said the Honourable Mark Eyking, P.C., M.P., Chair of the Committee. “Because of these steel and aluminum tariffs, some in Canada are already being adversely affected. Further negative consequences could be experienced here if – at some point – section 232 tariffs were to be imposed on automobiles and automobile parts.”

Mr. Eyking concluded: “The meeting was convened very quickly and with limited time for witnesses to be heard. Committee members know that a great many Canadians have an interest in this important topic but could not be invited to our meeting. For that reason, we are asking interested parties to submit a brief to the Committee no later than 31 July 2018 that outlines their thoughts about the impacts of U.S. section 232 tariffs on Canadian businesses and workers. These briefs will be included in the Committee’s consideration of this critically important topic.”

Briefs should not exceed 2,000 words in length, and should be submitted to the Clerk of the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade no later than 31 July 2018.

For more information, please consult the Committee’s Website.

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For more information, please contact:
Christine Lafrance, Clerk of the Standing Committee on International Trade
Tel: 613-992-3150