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CIMM Committee Report

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The Committee is thankful to all of the witnesses who contributed to this study and who shared their insights into the complex issue of sponsored spousal abuse. The Committee agrees that sponsored spouses and their sponsors need to know that violence against women is not tolerated in Canada; rather, it should be made clear to everyone involved in the application process that our country strives for gender equality and mutual respect.

The Committee is concerned about the vulnerability of sponsored spouses to abuse, including the difficulties involved in escaping this abuse. The Committee recognizes that an effective response to sponsored spousal abuse involves many parties, such as front-line settlement and abuse-prevention organizations, religious and community leaders, and governments at all levels. The recommendations listed below are focused on the federal jurisdiction, and in particular, on changes within the immigration portfolio.

In particular, the Committee believes the following measures will ensure vulnerable spouses are protected and have the skills they need to succeed independently in Canada.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada increase the minimum age for sponsored spouses from 16 to 18 years.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada expand pre-arrival orientation to ensure sponsored spouses receive information in a language they understand and to ensure that the topics covered include gender equality, women’s rights, their legal rights, what constitutes abuse in Canada and how to seek help. This information should be included in Citizenship and Immigration Canada publications, such as Discover Canada.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada evaluate conditional permanent resident status and monitor the number and outcome of abuse exception requests, percentage of tips that result in removal, and incidence of reported abuse within these sponsorships with a view to understanding the effect of this policy instrument on domestic abuse and its effectiveness in terms of addressing marriages of convenience.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, section 72.1(6) to include forced marriage as a ground for exception from the condition on permanent resident status.


The Committee recommends that the CIC designated help-line for victims of domestic violence be assessed to ensure that victims have timely and efficient assistance in their usual language.