NDDN Committee Report
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RESPONSE TO THE 4TH REPORT OF THE STANDING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMMITTEES Recommendation 1: The concerns of committee members about the nature of committee work, as expressed in the above text, be submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs for review consideration and possible recommendations. Response: The Government recognizes and values the important role played, and input provided, by Parliamentary committees, including the Standing Committee on National Defence, with which the Government has worked closely. Furthermore, it takes seriously its responsibilities under Standing Order 109 to provide comprehensive Responses to committee reports, when requested, and has carefully considered and responded to each recommendation, accepting, in whole or in part, 65 of the 81 recommendations put forth by this Committee since 2006. The Government believes that its recent Response to the Committee’s Third Report on Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty is no exception, and, furthermore, that the number of recommendations for which the Government already has initiatives in place in this case is a clear indication of the degree to which the Government shares the Committee’s interest in effectively managing Canada’s North. The broader issue raised in the Report of what constitutes a “comprehensive” Government Response has already been addressed many times in the House of Commons. Past Speakers of the House have consistently ruled that it is for the Government to determine the nature and substance of Government Responses, and, furthermore, that there are a number of appropriate tools and authorities available to committees should they see the need to question or further examine a Government Response, including raising their concerns with the relevant Minister or department, or bringing their concerns to the attention of the House. For these reasons, the Government believes that further study by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs on the adequacy of Government Responses to standing committee reports is unnecessary. However, the Government would be pleased to work with the Committee through appropriate mechanisms to address any questions that members may have regarding the Government Response on Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty or any other Government Responses to the Committee’s reports. The Minister of National Defence and the Department take seriously the Committee’s reports and recommendations, and will continue to provide the best possible support to the Committee in the fulfillment of its mandate to examine matters related to National Defence and the Canadian Forces, including in the context of the Committee’s ongoing studies on search and rescue, Next Generation Fighter Aircraft, Bill C-41, and the upcoming review of departmental estimates. The Government looks forward to the Committee’s reports on these issues, and will continue to provide comprehensive and substantial Responses to the Committee’s recommendations. |