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INDU Committee Report

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INDU – Foreign Ownership

Supplementary Report from the Liberal Party                7  June 2010

On the General Issue of Foreign Ownership for Telecommunications Common Carriers and Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings (BDUs), the Liberal Party proposes the following option:

Liberal Party option

Maintain the status quo (i.e. leave current foreign ownership restrictions in place) until a thorough review of the implications of removing the restrictions and of technological convergence (in particular the convergence between internet and television) on Canada’s broadcasting sector is undertaken.

If, following such a thorough review, there is assurance that regulations are in place or can be put in place to ensure that Canada’s cultural sovereignty will be preserved, then change the limit for foreign ownership of voting shares to 49% for telecommunications common carriers, BDUs and programming undertakings while keeping the “control in fact” test in place for all three groups.

If not satisfied that Canada’s cultural sovereignty will be preserved, do not change the current limits.