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HESA Committee Report

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NDP Complimentary Report—Impact of Microwaves on Human Health

Wireless technology, although new, has become increasingly embedded in our society. Significantly contradictory evidence was presented during the committee hearings and this fact should be addressed.

It seems that the voices of the scientific community speaking to the adverse biological effects of this technology are being marginalized. Defenders of Safety Code 6 point to thousands of peer -reviewed studies. One of the largest and most recent of these studies, the Interphone Study, did show that heavy users have a greater chance of developing a type of brain tumour on the same side of the head as they use their cell phones

Given that there are already warnings in cell phone packaging indicating the distance the device should be held from one’s body/head, it is imperative that consumers see these instructions and that they not be lost in fine print. These warnings should be given a prominent place on the phone packaging, or on the devices themselves, and printed in a large, bolded font.

Curtis Bennett’s claim - that he has discovered a significant oversight in Safety Code 6 - should be thoroughly investigated by Health Canada, given Mr. Bennett’s credentials.

The biggest gap in studies to date has been the effect of wireless technology on children. The findings from studies on adults cannot be extended to children. While the recommendation for further study is warranted, it would also be appropriate to let Canadians know that the safety of this technology is not guaranteed, but only theoretical at this point, particularly in the case of children.

Concerned parents who fear their children are being exposed in classrooms to a dangerous technology , when less-contentious options exists that can deliver the same benefit, must have public options available to them. If the ‘unaccepted’ science is in fact correct, Canada will face larger health care costs for the treatment of biological effects including cancers and fertility problems. With this in mind, children should not be forced to be exposed to this technology in their schools until it is actually proven safe, not just theoretical acceptable.

Finally, reference was made to the decline in insect populations and we learned of research that showed wireless signals negatively affect the ability of insects to reproduce. This was mentioned in the testimony of Dr. Panagopoulos, Curtis Bennett and Dr. Goldsworthy. We are experiencing a world-wide decline in bee populations known as colony collapse. Given the economic importance of insect pollination, especially honey-bees, it would be negligent not to investigate the role that wireless technology may have in the decline.

Wireless technologies have many measurable benefits and contribute to our modern lives in all manner of ways. It is important to remember that this technology is new and rapidly evolving, making it imperative that Health Canada ensure that the investigation of the biological effects of microwave radiation becomes a priority. We have learned from tobacco and asbestos that many of the worst effects of a product are not always immediately evident, but become known after long periods of exposure. We must keep that in mind as we assess the efficacy of Safety Code 6.