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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Notice Paper

No. 40

Friday, April 3, 2009

10:00 a.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

April 2, 2009 — Mr. Siksay (Burnaby—Douglas) — Bill entitled “An Act to eliminate racial and religious profiling”.

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)


Q-1142 — April 2, 2009 — Mr. Pearson (London North Centre) — With respect to the money provided by the government in 2008 to the International Organization on Migration (IOM) for assistance to Darfur refugees in the Aweil State in Sudan: (a) did the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) or any other government department or agency contribute funds to help the Darfur refugees and, if so, what was the exact dollar amount contributed and on what date or dates, and to whom were these funds contributed; (b) was a budget proposed or requested by any government agency, department, non-governmental organization or international organization relating to these particular relief funds; (c) what information was provided to CIDA, and by whom, from which the government’s contribution amount was assessed for this particular crisis; (d) did the government provide any on-ground support or monitoring of relief work for this particular circumstance and, if so, in what capacity, and for how long; (e) have CIDA officials or any other government agency or department requested updates on the Darfur refugees and, if so, were any provided and by whom and what has been done with that information; and (f) what current measures is the government providing to ensure continued monitoring of mass migration and relief aid for refugees migrating into other ill-equipped areas of Southern Sudan?
Q-1151-2 — April 2, 2009 — Mr. Pearson (London North Centre) — With regard to the regional development agency for Southern Ontario mentioned in the 2009 budget: (a) what economic studies were conducted by the government with respect to the creation of a separate regional development agency for Southern Ontario, (i) when did these studies begin, (ii) which stakeholders, organizations, municipal governments were consulted, (iii) how much money has been earmarked for this new agency by the government, (iv) were any of the Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC’s) consulted and, if so, which ones; (b) which federal electoral ridings will be under the jurisdiction of this new agency; (c) have any Aboriginal communities been consulted, especially in the Six Nations and New Credit reserves and, if so, which ones (d) will the new agency be modeled after any of the existing regional development agencies; (e) will the new agency have a dedicated Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister and, if not, under which department will the new agency be governed; (f) what is the government’s planned date for this new agency to be fully operational; (g) have any rural groups, organizations, stakeholders been consulted in terms of the scope or mandate of this new agency and, if so, which ones; (h) what will be the mandate of this new agency; (i) what, if any, are the specific programs this agency has already committed to support and in which town or cities are these programs based; (j) what specific programs will this agency invest that will help workers, communities and businesses in Southern Ontario position themselves to take advantage of opportunities, as economic growth recovers in Canada and around the world; and (k) will the $20 million earmarked for the Eastern Ontario Development program as stated in the 2009 Budget be in addition to the promised $1 billion for the new Southern Ontario agency, or will this $20 million come out of the $1 billion budget?
Q-1161-2 — April 2, 2009 — Mr. Pearson (London North Centre) — With regards to the announcement that the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will steer its foreign aid toward a smaller pool of 20 countries, down from 25 announced under the previous government in 2005; (a) what were the criteria established by the department by which countries were, (i) removed from the 2005 list, (ii) were added to the new list of recipients; (b) when did consultation begin to discuss removing or adding countries from focus list; (c) who took part in these discussions; (d) were any non-governmental organizations, multilateral organizations, church organizations or any other third party stakeholders consulted about the proposed changes to CIDA’s focus list and, if so, which ones specifically; (e) how specifically were the obligations of the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act taken into consideration by the Agency when establishing criteria for adding or removing countries and how were the perspectives of the poor taken into account during the decision making process; (f) when, how and by who were countries who were removed from the list informed of CIDA’s decision; (g) what are the projected funds to be delivered to each specific country on the new focus list; (h) what are the specific programs to be funded in each country on the new focus list; (i) does CIDA have on-ground field workers in each of the countries on the new focus list and, if so, how many; and (j) what accountability measures are being put in place in each of the new countries of focus to ensure that the provisions of the Act are being adhered to?
Q-1172 — April 2, 2009 — Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — With respect to Measurement Canada, what changes have been or will be made to the agency from January 2006 to January 2010, including: (a) changes to services that the agency provides; (b) changes to who is accredited to test and inspect devices; and (c) who pays the salaries of those accredited to test and inspect devices?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-350 — April 2, 2009 — Mr. Siksay (Burnaby—Douglas) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should pursue as part of Canadian foreign policy: (a) a two-state solution which ensures that Israelis and Palestinians can live safely, side by side, in independent states with secure borders; (b) that every available means be used to support international law; (c) that Canada seek a positive, pro-active role in bringing all parties into a comprehensive peace process which includes addressing the Palestinians’ right of return issue; (d) that all acts of violence against civilians be condemned; (e) that Israel and the Palestinian Authority be called on to abide by United Nations resolutions; (f) that Canada work with Palestinian and Israeli Canadians to promote and support greater dialogue in Canada as well as in Israel and Palestine; (g) that Canada oppose Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including settlement expansions and ongoing control of Gaza’s borders; (h) that Canada facilitate an international conference on the Palestinian refugee challenge; and (i) that Canada increase financial support for capacity building, good governance, and developmental assistance project in Gaza and the West Bank through local, national or international non-governmental organizations, and through the Palestinian Authority as appropriate.
M-351 — April 2, 2009 — Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should consider making employer-provided transit passes an income tax-exempt benefit.

Private Members' Business

C-300 — March 3, 2009 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood), seconded by Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour), — That Bill C-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability for the Activities of Mining, Oil or Gas in Developing Countries, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Debate — 1 hour remaining, pursuant to Standing Order 93(1).
Voting — at the expiry of the time provided for debate, pursuant to Standing Order 93(1).

1 Requires Oral Answer
2 Response requested within 45 days