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AANO Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du développement du Grand Nord

For immediate release


House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Launches Study to Examine Issues related to Northern Economic Development

Ottawa, October 30, 2009 -

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development announced today that it has undertaken a comprehensive study of issues related to northern economic development.

“It is increasingly apparent that advancing the economic prosperity of the North and of northerners is of enormous significance for the future of Canada as a whole”, Bruce Stanton, MP for Simcoe North and Chair of the Committee, stated. “The Committee recognizes that, and wants to play a part in ensuring that the needs of the North and of northerners in the area of economic development are given a full hearing.”

The Committee intends to focus on gaining a better understanding of the barriers and challenges northerners in the three territories face in promoting their economic well-being, and possible solutions to overcome those barriers. A wide range of witnesses from government, industry, economic development and community organizations and Aboriginal groups will be invited to appear before the Committee to share their perspectives on the current state of economic development in the North, and on ways to improve it. Although the present study will be confined to the three northern territories, the Committee understands that there are many other northern communities across the country whose residents deal with similar economic challenges. Members are confident the findings and recommendations resulting from this study should be adaptable to the needs of all northern residents in comparable circumstances.

Committee Vice-Chair Todd Russell, M.P. for Labrador, noted that “This study is a first for the Committee, and provides an opportunity for members to make a key contribution that will benefit northerners. We know that it is especially important that we hear from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal northerners themselves in their own environment.” In addition to hearings in Ottawa, Committee members will travel to the three northern territories in November, visiting Whitehorse and Yellowknife November 16 through 20, and Iqaluit from November 23 to 25.

Because the Committee’s hearing schedule is limited by time constraints, interested parties that do not appear are invited to forward written submissions to the Committee clerk.

The Committee anticipates that a final report will be tabled in the spring.

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For more information, please contact:
Graeme Truelove, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Tel: 613-996-1173