INDU Committee News Release
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Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology |
Comité permanent de l'industrie, des sciences et de la technologie |
For immediate release
Study on Canadian Science and Technology
Ottawa, June 02, 2008 -
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology recently travelled to Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Vancouver as parts of its study of Canadian science and technology.
The Committee toured the following institutions:
- The National Microbiology Laboratory
- Saint Boniface Hospital Research Centre
- University of Manitoba’s Smartpark
- The Canadian Light Source Synchrotron
- Agriculture Canada’s Saskatoon Research Centre
- Tri-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF)
- National Research Council’s Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation
The Committee held public hearings in all three cities and heard from the following witnesses:
- National Research Council’s Institute for Biodiagnostics; TR labs; Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
- Boeing International; Bristol Aerospace Limited; Standard Aero; Composites Innovation Centre
- Ag-West Bio; Genome Prairie; National Research Council’s Plant Biotechnology Institute; Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Organisation
- Innovation Place; Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology; Sasktel; University of Saskatchewan
- British Columbia Innovation Council; British Columbia Institute of Technology; Simon Fraser University; University of British Columbia
- ASL Environmental Sciences; Day4 Energy; Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Canada and the Hydrogen Highway Project
The Committee began its study on science and technology on 10 April 2008, has so far heard from 46 witnesses and, in addition, received 75 written briefs. The Committee will continue its study through June and into the Fall, and is planning on reporting its findings in the Fall.
The Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology is composed of 12 parliamentarians representing four political parties. It is chaired by Mr. James Rajotte, M.P. for Edmonton-Leduc.
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