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CIMM Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration

For immediate release


Committee approves Bill introducing changes to Citizenship Act for children adopted abroad

Ottawa, September 28, 2006 - Mr. Norman Doyle, MP (St. John’s East), Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, is pleased to announce that Bill C-14, An Act to Amend the Citizenship Act (adoption), has been approved by the Committee, and will be reported, with amendments, to the House.

“Currently, Canadians citizens who adopt children outside of Canada can face a lengthy process bringing their children into this country, as these children must first obtain permanent resident status before they can be granted citizenship” said Mr. Doyle. “In contrast, children born abroad to Canadian citizens are automatically citizens. This bill removes the need for foreign-born adopted children to become permanent residents before being granted citizenship.”

If enacted, Bill C-14 will allow minor adopted children to be granted citizenship without going through the immigration process, provided the adoption:

  • • was in the best interests of the child;
  • • created a genuine parent-child relationship;
  • • was in accordance with relevant adoption laws; and
  • • was not primarily entered into for the purpose of acquiring immigration or citizenship status in Canada.

The bill would also allow foreign-born children over 18 adopted by Canadian citizens to be granted citizenship without going through the immigration process, provided there was a genuine parent-child relationship between the child and the adoptive parent before the child turned 18 and certain other requirements are met.

The Committee approved certain amendments to the bill. One amendment allows for an appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) in the event that an application for citizenship for a foreign-born adopted child is refused. Another ensures that the Committee is able to review proposed regulations in relation to the bill, and a third ensures that the bill will come into force no later than six months after receiving Royal Assent.

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For more information, please contact:
William Farrell, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
Tel: (613) 995-8525