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AGRI Committee Report

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May 11, 2004



Cargill Foods

472 Ave. & Hwy. 2A N.

P.O. Bag 3850

High River, Alberta

T1V 1P4



Mr. Willie Van Solkema:


This is in response to your correspondence of May 10, 2004 requesting clarification of the type of information the Committee requires as well as confidentiality.


As to confidentiality, the Committee has addressed the issue in the motion of April 21, 2004.  As regards your request for clarification of information, the Committee has asked its independent accounting professionals to identify the information required, for them to report to the Committee.


They have identified the following:


1. Financial Information of Revenues, Expenditures and Gross and Net Profit margins for Canadian operations by month for 2003 and 2002 (information required for comparative purposes with 2003).


2. Related information as outlined in the notes in the attached template (Annex A).


3. Explanations on the effect of fed steer and heifer market following the announcement of federal-provincial BSE recovery program as far as your specific company is concerned.


Note:      That after receipt of the above information, the accounting professionals retained by the Committee may follow-up directly with your designated representatives with any questions they may have.






In order for the Committee to reply to the Order of the House of Commons dated May 6, 2004, the aforementioned information must be received by the Clerk of the Committee by 3:00 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, May 12, 2004.


Yours truly,





Bibiane Ouellette

Clerk of the Committee



May 11, 2004



Better Beef Limited

781 York Road

Guelph, Ontario

N1E 6N1



Mr. Lorne Goldstein:


We are in receipt of your responses to the Committee.


The Committee, with the advice of its independent accounting professionals, has clarified the type of information required as follows:


1. Financial Information of Revenues, Expenditures and Gross and Net Profit margins for Canadian operations by month for 2003 and 2002 (information required for comparative purposes with 2003).


2. Related information as outlined in the notes in the attached template (Annex A).


3. Explanations on the effect of fed steer and heifer market following the announcement of federal-provincial BSE recovery program as far as your specific company is concerned.


Note:      That after receipt of the above information, the accounting professionals retained by the Committee may follow-up directly with your designated representatives with any questions they may have.


To the extent that the information already provided does not include all of the above, please forward it to the Clerk of the Committee as soon as possible.


Yours truly,




Bibiane Ouellette

Clerk of the Committee

The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agrifood Business Confidential when completed
Information Required from Specific Meat Processing and Packing Companies For Independent Expert Review Only
Financial Information on Revenues, Costs and Profit Margin (Canadian Operations only)
Calender Year 2003
Notes Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Revenue 1
Cost of sales 2
Gross Margin
Expenses 3
Net Profit (loss)
before income taxes
Year 2002 (information required for comparative purposes with 2003)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Revenue 1
Cost of sales 2
Gross Margin 3
Net Profit (loss)
before income taxes
1 Pleasse breakdown the revenues and costs by domestic and foreign sources
2 Please list the costs by major categories (eg. Processing, Cost of Product etc.)
3 Please list the expenses by major categories (eg. Salaries, Ocuupancy, etc.)
4 Please indicate opening and closing inventories by month
5 Please indicate the accounting basis on which inventories are valued
6 Please indicate whether you had any futures positions. If so please indicate its impact on revenues and costs
7 Please provide monthly gross profit margins per head for the above period
8 Please ensure that your yearly totals agree with your financial statements or provide a reconciliation.