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TRGO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 54

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

The Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations met at 11:00 a.m. this day, in Room 253-D, Centre Block, the Chair, Ovid Jackson, presiding.

Member(s) of the Committee present: Reg Alcock, John Cannis, Bev Desjarlais, Peter Goldring, André Harvey, Ovid Jackson, Mario Laframboise, Ghislain Lebel, Marcel Proulx, Paul Szabo.

Acting Member(s) present: Gilbert Normand for Gerry Byrne, Mark Eyking for Joe Comuzzi, Jim Pankiw for Val Meredith.

In attendance: From the Library of Parliament: John Christopher, Research Officer.

Appearing: From the Department of Public Works and Government Services: The Hon. Don Boudria, Minister, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Witness(es): From the Defense Construction Canada: Ross Nicholls, President and CEO, Defense Construction Canada. From the Department of Public Works and Government Services: Jane Billings, Assistant Deputy Minister, Supply Operations Service Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Pursuant to Standing Order 81(6), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of the Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 under Public Works and Government Services and on the following motion from Ghislain Lebel, M.P., agreed to on Tuesday, February 5, 2002:

That the Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations invite the Honourable Mr. Don Boudria, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, to appear before the Committee to apprise us of the measures he intends to implement in order to ensure transparency in all the operations of his department.

Pursuant to the Forty-eight hours notice motion adopted on Wednesday, February 21, 2001, Ghislain Lebel gave notice of the following motion:

That the Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations invite Jean Brault, the President of Groupaction Marketing, to appear before the committee to tell us what contracts were obtained from Public Works and Government Services and what was contained in the report on the study of ways to increase federal government visibility and in the report concerning the production of a list of 1,300 cultural events.

The minister made an opening statement and, with the witnesses, answered questions.

The Committee proceeded to the consideration of the following Forty-eight hours notice motion submitted by Val Meredith, M.P. on March 6, 2002:

That members of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Government Operations strike a sub-Committee to investigate breaches of the Conflict of Interest Code by former Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano and his staff, and to report back with recommendations that endeavor to eliminate inappropriate political interference that has plagued the Liberal government’s administration of Canada’s Crown Corporations.

After debate, the question being put on the motion, it was negatived on the following recorded division:

YEAS: Bev Desjarlais, Jim Pankiw – 2

NAYS: Reg Alcock, Gilbert Normand, John Cannis, Mark Eyking, André Harvey, Marcel Proulx, Paul Szabo - 7

At 12:55 a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Richard Dupuis

Clerk(s) of the Committee